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First aid: what should be the diet after food poisoning

Первая помощь: каким должно быть питание после отравления These rules will help you to recover faster after poisoning.

Food poisoning is an acute illness that has not spared a single representative of humanity. The main reason for its occurrence — ingested bacteria, viruses, and parasites; accordingly, these microorganisms enter the body with food, poorly cooked, or poorly manufactured. In this cases can be noted from the following symptoms: stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, chills, muscle pain.

The first rule in cases of poisoning — do not resort to mass drugs. The body needs to cope with the disease itself. The only thing you can do is to take activated charcoal, which absorbs all toxins and harmful substances, moving them out naturally.

The second rule — do not forget about water. Because of poisoning in humans can occur dehydration and to restore electrolyte balance is necessary to regularly drink clean water without gas.

And, of course, rule number three — do not rush your meal. After cleansing the stomach, sick can feel the emptiness in it, and therefore, simultaneously, the feeling of hunger. On the first day after poisoning, in any case not go back to regular food! The body needs to recover, and packing everyday dishes, you only exacerbate the situation, and poisoning may be delayed for a few days.

After 6 hours after the last vomiting/diarrhea attack, you can drink a Cup of yogurt. Allowed to one mug of yogurt every few hours. If the sick feels strong hunger, and after the symptoms have passed 12-18 hours, and is allowed a little low-fat chicken broth with crackers.

So, how to eat, when the body begins to recover?

1-3 days. You should drink as much fluid as possible. This can be plain water, broth hips, beneficial effect on intestinal microflora, green tea, rice water. Speaking of rice, it has excellent absorbent properties, so the first day after poisoning it is advisable to eat rice porridge, liquid, cooked in water. If you don’t like rice, perfect buckwheat or semolina porridge. And, of course, fit versatile dish — low-fat chicken broth with a small piece of boiled chicken, a dish that you can small children, and patients after surgery, and, of course, suffered from poisoning.

3-5 days. You can gradually return to normal food, however, its consistency should resemble mashed potatoes, in order to ease the process of digestion. For Breakfast, the perfect yogurt or cereal, lunch — vegetable or fruit puree with curd for dinner — easy chicken soup-broth with noodles.

5-7 days. You can return to the menu, familiar dishes, however, only one meal, e.g. Breakfast.

7-14 days. Undergoing the poisoning can safely return to regular foods. However, be sure to check the expiry date carefully prigotavlivaya them, at least eat greasy, fried, heavy food — this can again lead to problems with the stomach, only this time more serious.

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