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Fighting dandruff – what will folk remedies

Боремся с перхотью - чем помогут народные средстваAccording to statistics, dandruff causes discomfort every fifth person on Earth.

White flakes on the head to bother a lot of people.

We all know how unpleasant to be with a person that literally pours dandruff, and many have experienced this attitude.

To live with dandruff, itching and discomfort very problematic. How to get rid of dandruff and what causes this problem?

To get rid of dandruff does not appear to be a difficult task if you approach this question seriously. The causes of dandruff is not dry skin, stress, hormonal shift or climatic conditions. All this only contributes to the symptoms of dandruff. The causative agent of dandruff is fungus, or in other words – seborrhea.

To get rid of dandruff by using folk remedies, and rejuvenating masks recipes which we will share.

Mask against dandruff made from oak bark

Apply the following mask before shampooing. Mix half a Cup of chopped oak bark in half a glass of onion peel. Pour all the boiling water and leave on a steam bath for half an hour. After, cool the decoction and apply on the hair, lightly massage the decoction into the scalp. Cover your head with foil and leave for 2 hours. Then wash the head with shampoo.

Mask against dandruff onion

Mince one onion. Apply the pulp on the entire surface of the hair and cover with plastic wrap. Rinse after an hour and rinse with plenty of water. This mask not only eliminate dandruff but also improve the condition of hair.

Protivosjoboreynoe mask for oily hair

Mix the following ingredients: castor oil, 5 g of birch tar, 100 ml of vodka. Apply the mask for an hour before washing your hair. This mask has protivosjoboreynoe effect, eliminates dandruff. An excellent remedy against dandruff also is calendula tincture. Massage into the head the infusion once a week for 30-40 minutes.

Preventive mask for dandruff

Mix 2 teaspoons of honey and 2 tablespoons of burdock oil, add 2 egg yolks. Massage the mixture into hair roots and wash off after 30 minutes. Within 1-2 months repeat the procedure once a week.

To get rid of dandruff you can use anti-fungal shampoos, which include antibacterial components.

If the recipes do not help, try to work towards correct diet. Exclude from daily consumption of fried foods, fatty foods, spicy food, too sweet or salty foods.

Dandruff causes a lot of inconveniences and not only aesthetic. To get rid of dandruff is necessary, when itching and discomfort become unbearable. Here already about any aestheticism and speech can not go, you just want to dip in cold water. I hope all of these us recipes will help you to get rid of dandruff, and breathe a sigh of relief by getting rid nedosekova and not a pleasant problem.

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