Home / Business / Ex-boyfriend of Olga Buzova Roman Tretyakov spoke about her breakup with her husband

Ex-boyfriend of Olga Buzova Roman Tretyakov spoke about her breakup with her husband


Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov no longer wearing a wedding ring and live separately. In the Network there are rumors that the conflict in the family presenter has occurred due to infidelity of her husband, but the star herself has not commented on the breakup with Dimitri.



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Meanwhile, on the subject called the ex-boyfriend of Olga, the former participant “Houses-2” Roman Tretyakov. “Olga always chooses a few gruff men. We met her three years — I can say that I do not differ special softness. Before that she was a grown man, a businessman. She talked about their first relationships — that young man can not be called sweet. Olya stretches to such to remain the air. She does not like to decide anything. She loves when someone opens her door, and she included them solemnly,” Tretyakov said in an interview “Days.Ru”.


Roman also noted that Buzova easy, cheerful disposition, but it quickly bored. According to him, the man I want to be with a serious woman, and Olga not so.

“It does not change. Fun, cool, but too fond of this game. At least we have been. At some point the man just gets tired, he’ll get bored. Just wish there was a thinking, serious person. Unfortunately, Olga is not the same,” shared the former participant “Houses-2”.

Tretyakov is sure that Olga and Dmitri broke up because they lost interest in each other.

Ольга Бузова и Дмитрий Тарасов расстались

Первыми о проблемах в семье телеведущей узнали ее поклонники

Телеведущая больше не публикует в Instagram романтичные снимки с мужем

По слухам, Ольга ушла от мужа из-за его измен

Супруги состоят в браке почти пять лет

Ольга Бузова и Дмитрий Тарасов

Поклонники с нетерпением ждали, когда же у пары появятся дети

Развод Ольги и Дмитрия несколько лет назад предсказала экстрасенс Джулия Ванг

Супруги больше не носят обручальные кольца

Ольга съехала на съемную квартиру

Еще недавно телеведущая хвасталась дорогими подарками от мужа

Ольга Бузова и Дмитрий Тарасов

Поклонники умоляют пару помириться

Ольга Бузова

Дмитрий Тарасов и Ольга Бузова Фото: instagram.com

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