Home / Business / Evgeniy Tsyganov, Yuliya Snigir gave a little son to the foster grandmother

Evgeniy Tsyganov, Yuliya Snigir gave a little son to the foster grandmother


For Yulia Snigir Yevgeny Tsyganov left the family, leaving the civil wife Irina Leonov and seven children. New girlfriend also gave birth to the actor of the child — the son of Fyodor. After the birth of a boy, the actress was briefly in the decree. After a couple of months again began work, and recently went to St. Petersburg, where he filmed the movie “the ordeal”.



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At this time, little Fyodor lives with his mother Snigir Svetlana Leonidovna, where baby-sitting the grandson, I had to quit my job. “Julia the first time it nursed, and then he was transferred to artificial feeding. And Julia is not tied — it is all on the move, on set. He says he can’t quit his job, needs to feed his family. And we support it. Julia is counting on himself. Though Tsyganov and helps, but he has still so many children… of Course, the content of Fyodor more on Julia”, — told “Komsomolskaya Pravda” grandfather of the actress Viktor Sirikin.


As for the father of the child, Yevgeny Tsyganov, he occasionally visits the son. “Fedor is completely on grandma. Tsyganov sometimes comes, and he is constantly on the set,” added the grandfather of the actress.

Евгений Цыганов / Старфейс

Ирина Леонова

Евгений Цыганов / EastNews

Евгений Цыганов / Старфейс

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