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Everything you need to know about tumors in the spine

Все, что нужно знать об опухоли в позвоночникеDoctors told about what is a hemangioma and is it worth it to fear.

Checking your spine, a person would hope that the doctor will please him and not call any terrible diagnoses. But very often in response to patients hear the term “hemangioma” associated with all the title with some cancer. In fact, a hemangioma called benign tumor observed during the survey on one of the vertebrae.

A hemangioma often find in women, and this is why the reason for its formation is called a hormonal imbalance in the body and excess of estrogen. More any special reasons which could trigger the growth of tumors on the vertebrae, doctors called. However, in some cases, the doctors noted the hereditary nature of this disease, that is, if the family who was diagnosed a hemangioma, then the following generations it is quite possible that the diagnosis will be repeated.

It is known that tumors can appear in the result previously obtained human spinal injuries. So to everyone whose life at least once “suffered” the spine should be sent for a CT scan where possible will be revealed hemangioma. By the way, according to statistics, more than 10% of people live with the tumor, not knowing that they have one. This is because people are negligent of their health and do not consider it necessary to examine your entire body.

Hemangioma can a few years do not come back to haunt them. Most people with tumors in the vertebrae to seek help is when there are pain, and they just vehemently indicate that the tumor has reached a critical level. In the most severe cases hemangiomas may occur fracture of the spine, then the doctor revealed a tumor through MRI.

Doctors offer two solutions:

1. Micro-operation. If the tumor gives the patient discomfort, produces pain and so forth, then your doctor may suggest a person to make a puncture vertebroplasty. The procedure itself is almost painless because it is performed under local anesthesia. The doctor fills the syringe with a special substance, which is similar in its properties to cement, and introduces the needle directly into the vertebral body, where the tumor grows. As a result of this procedure, the spine is strengthened, and hemangioma development stops and freezes.

2. Control. In the case when the tumor was discovered in humans by accident and he did not even know that his vertebra has a hemangioma, the doctor will recommend to just watch her a while to understand how dangerous they are. But it is forbidden to stay long under the sun, that is, the portion of the vertebra, where the tumor should not overheat. Also, the patient should be careful and try to avoid injuries.

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