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“Every dictator is his “Boeing”

"У каждого диктатора свой "боинг"

There is such an Internet phrase that is often used bloggers. Under some picture write : “And that’s all you need to know…”, and then there is the key word. For example, shown in the photo killed the Russian way, which is leading the Russian party promised to make a highway.

We see sinking in the mud cars, below photo quote with a promise, and below is the phrase: “that’s all you need to know about the “United Russia”.

And really, that’s all you need of this game to know more and don’t need.

Now, if I was a photographer, I would have made a collage: left Putin gives a regular press conference, right Valentina Matvienko obediently voted to send troops to Ukraine, center, saliva bubbling over with celebrationist. At the bottom of the collage the wreckage of the Malaysian plane and the line: “he was hit by a Buk M-1″ number 332”.

And below is the phrase: “that’s all you need to know about Putin and his Russia.”

I’m not going to retell how the expert community “, Ballinger” determine the exact number of Beech – all of this you can read on the Internet, where a detailed study with photos. Funny pattern in the other: just every dictatorship necessarily knocks your Boeing. And the Boeing then driving the dictatorship into the grave. So, today the Malaysian Boeing put an end to the fate of the Russian hybrid regime.

I understand. I understand that the Russian government never acknowledged that he committed the crime. They will be stone-faced to accept the sanctions for the Boeing, and then to impose retaliatory sanctions against its own citizens – and against whom else?! Later they will proscript through his teeth that the shot was, but the truth is already installed, because Beech accidentally melted down a long time, and it will be true. Then they suddenly say that buck really was shot, but because he considered that it is flying the Americans with the atomic bomb. In General, we have yet to hear the groans of many hours of agony and stop looking at gloomy face of Lavrov, and enough of pseudostoma Ms. Zakharova. But then, maybe in 20 years, maybe 40, Putin will feel exhausted and leave. And then the new leader, not to wallow in this shit all recognize. And will start the trials of the elderly Putin, because it was his criminal offence, and it does not fall under the immunity. And to testify against him will be elderly Girkin, who goes with the Hague Tribunal on the deal. Of course, if Girkin is not banged up to this, and it goes to.

All this now seems impossible, but when the collapse of the Soviet Union was considered possible? And Russia’s war with Ukraine – who could imagine such a thing?

All will, my dear, because there is international justice, is the memory of the families of the victims. And there are statistics, which States that – no crime of such international scale and the resonance goes unpunished. And it is a crime nothing like a mass murder.

Every dictatorship your Boeing. Putin your Boeing today found.

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