Home / Society / El Murid: modern Russia is a country of adjutants and assistants.

El Murid: modern Russia is a country of adjutants and assistants.

Эль - Мюрид: современная Россия - это вообще страна адьютантов и помощников.

In the Internet era information is kept closed for long. Meticulous wordsmiths and hyenas rotary machines found out that the new Kaliningrad Governor has in his working career key career step: he was a personal guard of the President. That was enough to occupy higher positions in the region, which lately is quite legitimate concerns of the interest expressed to him our deadly enemies.

In principle, modern Russia is a country of adjutants and assistants. In the end, He, too, wore portfolios for a beacon of democracy and part of St. Petersburg mayor. When I calm down, his adjutant and porters portfolios began to get into the feeding position and the largest public corporations. So the system of appointing personnel is quite stable.

In the office assistant, security guard or personal masseur there is nothing shameful and even more shameful. It is only strange that these posts serve and work entirely people with latent state of thinking and abilities. Well, of course, that they notice and give time to unfold – but the dynamics of development of the country knows nothing about it. She consistently negative, and apparently, not least because in the Chapter are not just professional leadership qualities, and personal dedication and unconditional loyalty. The rest goes as a residual.

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