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Effective ways to get rid of nasolabial folds

Эффективные способы избавления от носогубных складокSmoothes nasolabial folds.

The reasons for the formation of pronounced nasolabial folds a lot – a sharp decline in weight, swelling, sleep in the wrong position (face down in the pillow), weakness and spasms of muscle fibers.

Self-massage and the regular repetition of simple exercises will help to get rid of a cosmetic defect is not worse than salon procedures.

What are the lifting action is able to return the young person?

Nasolabial folds form the muscle lifting the upper lip and wing of nose, the muscle lifting the corner of the mouth, as well as large and small zygomatic muscles. This problem may occur not only in adulthood but also in younger women. Fortunately, these wrinkles appear gradually and that means you have time to prevent or at least significantly slow the process.

Gymnastics for the correction of nasolabial folds

The fight against the hated wrinkles you need to start with exercises. The main thing is to act without delay – as soon as you notice that the nasolabial folds had been.

Exercise # 1
Much spread your cheeks, and then slowly release the air through your mouth. Repeat 10 times. Do exercise at least 3 times a day.

Exercise # 2
Straining your facial muscles, pull your upper lip down. Fix it in this position for 10-15 seconds, then go back to the original position. Then gently push the nasolabial folds and stretch the skin so that muscles are expanded. Repeat 3 times.

Exercise # 3
Put your index fingers in the corners of the lips. No effort to pull them in opposite directions. Stretch the lip by about 0.5 cm and hold this position for 10-15 seconds. Do 10 repetitions.

Massage against wrinkles

Massage is effective in cases when the folds are already pretty noticeable. In this case, facial muscles, it does not “pump up”, but rather to learn to relax. You will help two types of massage – acupressure and lymphatic drainage.

Point facial massage

Starting position: spine straight, naderan muscles are stretched back and up. His mouth opened in the shape of the letter “O”, lips pressed to the teeth.

Execution: the pads of my index fingers do the pressing movement from the line of the nasolabial folds up and to the side. Start from the nose and move in the direction spazmirovannah muscles. Go through all lines 3-5. To do this massage is recommended 3-4 times a week.

Editor’s tip: pull the skin tight enough, but not to pain. Try to feel the muscles.

Lymphatic drainage facial massage

The original position is no different.

Execution: place your fingers in the holes in the wings of the nose. The pads of middle and index fingers make 5 rustyrose-pressing motions, moving around the wings of the nose. Then move the fingers to the back of the nose. Repeat the movement, moving from the nose down and sideways. Next, spread your fingers to his temples. Click on the skin in the area of the temporal fossa and keep moving to the ears and the neck. Repeat the massage for 2-3 times. To prevent do the procedure 2 times a week, but for active struggle with severe nosogubnye folds – 4-5 times a week.

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