The use of emulsifiers E433 and E566 contained in processed food products, may be associated with risk of obesity, diabetes and inflammation of the intestine. About presented by scientists at a recent meeting at the Royal society in London the results, reports New Scientist.
Emulsifiers are food additives that prevent separation from the product mixture of water. Earlier studies have shown that its consumption by mice leads to the development of intestinal inflammation. In the new study, the scientists simulated in test tubes in conditions in the human intestine.
Experts considered the impact on human health of carboxymethyl cellulose (E566 on labels EU) and Polysorbate-80 (E433). Experts observed the increased content of the natural flagellin for intestinal bacteria. The high concentration of this compound indicates the presence in the human intestine inflammatory process.
Scientists say they presented a compelling evidence of a possible connection emulsifiers E433 and E566 with the risk of obesity, diabetes and inflammation of the intestine. Experts plan to conduct experiments with volunteers to confirm their results.