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Doctors told about the possible complications of barley

Медики рассказали о возможных осложнениях ячменяBanal stye can develop into a serious complication.

Only a few people have experienced this unpleasant disease, as barley. In fact, doctors call this phenomenon not a disease, and the inflammatory process. But this does not mean that it does not need to be treated, and with the uncomfortable symptoms are not worth fighting for. If you have on your eye popped barley, then be sure to see a doctor, because the cause of stye is an infection and needs to be fixed, otherwise complications can not be avoided.

Most people are mistaken when they think that barley is a result of hypothermia. Doctors call bacterial infection real causative agent of the inflammation of the lower eyelid and its membranes. Despite the fact that the stye grows out of the infection, the disease is not contagious.

You will be surprised, but the male half of society is much less than the female, turns for help to doctors with barley. Here there is no secret and the reason is understandable — the introduction of bacteria to the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid occurs through contact with the fingers, and most of all to his face to touch the fair sex. Should the woman not to wash your hands before to remove a fallen eyelash or touch up makeup, as bacteria from the skin or under the nails quickly move to the eyelid.

By the way, the people with low immunity faster than others can catch any infection, including that which provokes the appearance of the stye.

Possible complications of barley, which everyone should know:

1. The spread of infection throughout the circulatory system of the body. This phenomenon occurs when the patient decides their own hands to squeeze out the pus from barley. As a result, can appear the symptoms of meningitis or, even worse, will happen sepsis and to save the life of a person very little time.

2. Chronic eyelid inflammation (chalazion) can easily be confused with the barley, therefore, the rejection of a doctor’s visit is fraught with serious consequences: astigmatism, cyst.

3. Cancer the sebaceous glands, which provoked inflammation. If time is not examined and does not begin treatment, the tumor on the eyelid may acquire a malignant character. Even worse, if not century, popped barley, namely the tumor, indicating the development of cancer, but the patient did not take the barley in earnest, and did not go to the doctor, resulting in cancer manages to move from the initial stage to the next.

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