Home / Medicine / Doctors have called the most useful products of autumn

Doctors have called the most useful products of autumn

Медики назвали самые полезные осенние продуктыTop 5 useful products of autumn.

September is the first month of autumn, able to please the great weather and seasonal foods.

Experts recommend five products that can please your body snakes now.


This product contains sufficient amount of antioxidants that can improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Due to this, this product can extend the life. In addition, nuts can improve the health of the brain. They are useful for people of intellectual labor more than others. However, nuts are very nourishing product that is not worth very much to get involved, because 100 grams is about 600 calories. The average person needs 2000-2500 calories per day.


In fact, this product is available at any time of the year. You can use them in different ways. Apples can be eaten raw, added to tarts, cook them on the basis of fruits to create juices. What is their usefulness? They contain almost all essential vitamins. However, this product has the assurance of scientists need to eat immediately after the collapse, because after that, over time, the amount of nutrients decreases significantly.


This vegetable is considered to be autumn. The pulp of this product is very useful because it contains vitamin C, can protect a person from catching a cold. Also contains vitamin b, which improves the tone and mood, helping to combat insomnia and fatigue.

The presence of vitamin A helps our skin, hair and reduce the signs of aging. Doctors suggest to consume the juice out of pumpkins before bed as this will calm the nervous system and improve its quality.


Autumn is still available grapes. This product is most often sweet and can be used as a dessert, however, is different, and other useful properties. This product contains a lot of vitamins of group B. it Also contains a lot of fiber, pectin, which helps to bring the body to tone and improve the condition of the blood, which leads to normalization of all organs.


Distinguished by its sweet, helpful features. Is the best sugar substitute does not affect his health. Can offer a lot of vitamins and minerals like potassium, calcium, iron.
In addition, it contains some of the natural hormones. Also it contains vitamins of group B. Especially, it is recommended to improve mood.

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