Home / Business / Dmitry Tarasov spends time with his daughter from his first marriage and dedicates her poems

Dmitry Tarasov spends time with his daughter from his first marriage and dedicates her poems


In the Wake of rumors about the divorce Olga Buzova Packed up and went with a friend to Spain. At this time, Dmitry Tarasov’s spending time with his family. First, the player has published in Instagram photo with a family dinner, which brought together all of his favorite. Only thing missing was Olga.


Later Dmitry has shared with the subscribers by the daughter from the first marriage of angelina Anna. The frame of the athlete is accompanied by a poem (Spelling and punctuation more. — Approx. ed.).


“Everyone has a purpose,
one of them is family
yeah that was like the citadel,
as a powerful armor.
So every day, among friends
from beginning to end,
the hearth was warm, the evening is quiet
and in unison of the heart. And the joy of life — the laughter of children,
For us — the soul of dawn,
Because children is our success
And for family — blessed light!”



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  • Love the frame and hate in life: the famous kinobori that didn’t get along

Fans build a million assumptions about what could cause the gap for couples: infidelity Tarasova, the conflict over the 800-meter cottage or the new girlfriend of football player. By the way, Tarasova already credited with an affair with model and winner of the title “2nd Vice-miss Russia — 2014”, the 22-year-old Anastasia Kostenko. Rumor has it that the player has already lifted the young beauty to the apartment.

Ольга Бузова и Дмитрий Тарасов расстались

Первыми о проблемах в семье телеведущей узнали ее поклонники

Телеведущая больше не публикует в Instagram романтичные снимки с мужем

По слухам, Ольга ушла от мужа из-за его измен

Супруги состоят в браке почти пять лет

Ольга Бузова и Дмитрий Тарасов

Поклонники с нетерпением ждали, когда же у пары появятся дети

Развод Ольги и Дмитрия несколько лет назад предсказала экстрасенс Джулия Ванг

Супруги больше не носят обручальные кольца

Ольга съехала на съемную квартиру

Еще недавно телеведущая хвасталась дорогими подарками от мужа

Ольга Бузова и Дмитрий Тарасов

Поклонники умоляют пару помириться

Ольга Бузова

Дмитрий Тарасов и Ольга Бузова Фото: instagram.com

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