Home / Medicine / Diet for those who have a seasonal exacerbation of gastritis

Diet for those who have a seasonal exacerbation of gastritis

Диета для тех, у кого сезонное обострение гастритаNamed products that are allowed to eat during a flare-up of gastritis.

Usually seasonal exacerbation of gastritis and peptic ulcer disease falls in early spring or autumn, but some patients complain that they ache stomach just at the beginning of the summer. Only vegetable on the shelves of stores have fruits, vegetables and berries, which really want to eat after winter, when all of this was not, but pain in the stomach and the stomach does not allow the person to eat enough, writes the Chronicle.Info with reference to the Correspondent.

You should not rely on the fact that the gastritis symptoms will disappear on their own, in any case, a person needs qualifying a doctor, who will call the exact cause of the exacerbation. Only after the doctor’s appointment and his permission you can eat these or other products.

Allowed gastritis and its exacerbation following products:

1. Vegetables. Can afford to eat almost all vegetables, really, they have to be steamed or boil it. Do not eat cabbage and carrots as they are rich in fiber, and acids can provide a powerful strain on the already sick and weak stomach.

2. Fruit. Of all the seasonal fruits it is advisable to choose peaches and pears, but the apples have to give up, except to eat them baked. At any time of the year and even in the period of acute gastritis doctors are allowed to eat bananas, but not to abuse them, as they contain a lot of sugar.

3. Berries. Here again it is necessary to be careful, as all fruit contains acid. They should be cooked, for example, to prepare the compote, but to choose the sweetest. Also, permitted the fruit of the avocado, which contains healthy fatty acids, it is useful for stomach due to its enveloping properties, although in this respect the doctors ‘ opinions sometimes differ.

4. Porridge. In acute gastritis it is recommended to eat all the cereals, only they need a good seethe.

5. Meat. So as not to burden the stomach, you should choose low fat meats such as: poultry, rabbit, veal and so on.

It is very important to eat fractionally at least 5 times a day. A keen patient with gastritis should not be hungry and to prevent such a state, so the night before you need to consider what you will eat tomorrow and at what time. Be sure to bring food to work, because to have lunch or snack in the dining room and the cafe is strictly prohibited, because there in the process of preparation of almost all dishes do not care about those who suffer from seasonal exacerbation of gastritis.

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