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Cycling can prevent the development of diabetes

Езда на велосипеде может предотвратить развитие диабетаThis activity reduces your risk by 30%.

New experiments implemented by scientists, have allowed researchers to capture a unique pattern.

It turned out that the development of diabetes can be prevented by riding a Bicycle. The staff of the clinical center proved that such actions significantly reduce the probability of complicated disease. It is reported that the initiators of the laboratory project were employees from the University of southern Denmark.

It should be noted that the research physicians involved respondents of different age. According to doctors, men and women who from time to time I ride a bike, less likely to suffer from diabetes. Experts strongly recommend to all people to ride on this vehicle. Scientists have proven that the risk of developing deadly disease can be reduced by 20%.

At the same time, this pattern applies not only to young boys and girls, but also old people. Strengthening the heart muscle favorably affects the health of men and women.

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