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Culinary tricks to slim waist

Кулинарные хитрости для тонкой талииThe experts have collected 15 cooking tricks that will help you stay slim.

1. Bake. Doctors and nutritionists agree on a common opinion: if you want to eat tasty, but healthy food, you may prefer baking.

2. Cook in the broth. Fry in broth, not oil. It also has fat, but it is much less.

3. Pay attention to spices. Most spices and herbs have on the body a positive effect and stimulate metabolism.

4. Don’t forget about the greens. Greens is a valuable source of antioxidants and vitamins. Herbs also suppresses hunger.

5. Replace the mayonnaise for yogurt. Only one rejection from this product will speed up the process of weight loss by 15%!

6. Add in the green tea lemon. The drink strengthens the immune system, increases the protective forces of the body and removes waste and toxins.

7. Replace milk chocolate for bitter. He has a low glycemic index, which means that the starvation does not threaten you. In addition, chocolate stimulates mental activity and strengthens the heart and blood vessels.

8. Eat from small plates. When the dish over food, the brain sends information to the stomach that the meal is complete. This will help not to overeat and control your diet.

9. Combine the fish with red wine. So you will avoid overeating and will not feel heaviness in the stomach.

10. Eat broccoli with mustard. Broccoli – a product with a negative calorie, and mustard speeds up metabolism.

11. Include in the diet of sesame. Instead of high-calorie croutons add to salads sesame.

12. Add to your diet low-fat cheese: feta or cheese. They are delicious and low in calories.

13. Add to the meat of the avocado. In this combination it will be less severe and easier to assimilate by the body.

14. Go easy on the salt. Salt food already on the plate.

15. Get regular sugar from your diet. Search for useful alternatives to that product, like stevia and honey.

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