Home / Policy / Crimean litmus test to identify enemies of Russia and Putin in Maxpart

Crimean litmus test to identify enemies of Russia and Putin in Maxpart

Крымская лакмусовая бумажка для выявления врагов России и Путина в Макспарке

Whatever wrote the blogger, say a politician, but if he believes the return of the Crimea Russia error that “the worst crime”, then this one is enough for me to understand: in front of me the enemy of Russia and its leader Vladimir Putin.

Even such a vicious liar, the treacherous nature, as Gorby (Mikhail Gorbachev), and he was compelled to recognize the legitimacy and necessity of the reunification of Crimea with mother Russia.

But there are people who openly hate Russia and they naturally condemning Russia for the “occupation” of the Ukrainian Crimea, “breach” the boundaries of the postwar world. These include primarily the policy of the West and Russian liberal opposition. However there is a exception. For example, Bulk, if became the President of Russia, he said, would not return Crimea to Ukraine.

But there are people who show their good attitude to Russia, but unmask yourself attitude towards the Crimean issue. Take, for example, maxparty of Lieutenant. Was his article on foreign policy that I strongly supported. In it, he wanted to destroy the U.S. Russian nuclear strike to end the global dictatorship of a terrorist state.

But he has an article “What I like and don’t like Vladimir Putin”, which reveals the essence of a very active blogger. To emphasize the positive qualities of the Russian President he compares it “with those assholes who were (and currently are) in power in Independent all these years”. But this is equivalent to comparing the chiefs of the tribe, “Tumba-yumba”. Now even Somali pirates be offended if they are compared with the Ukrainians.

In General, on the basis of such comparison, the author concludes with a request to take him at his word that Putin ” looks white and fluffy, and most importantly – a patriot, a patriot, a patriot…”. Okay, it’s a matter of taste. I was ready to come up and shake his virtual hand, but received a knockout blow.

“… the main fucking action in the biography of Putin, the annexation of Crimea and events in Donbas. These actions he put all the Russian-speaking population of Ukraine in this position – to fight against their fellow tribesmen and even their historical homeland…”. Further I see no sense to discuss the attitude of the Senior Lieutenant with the Russian world and other details. It already doesn’t matter. The senior Lieutenant has recorded important: it is strongly against the return of Crimea to Russian house – Russia “Russian spring” 2014.

And what am I supposed to count?

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