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Created a peanut does not cause allergic

Создан арахис, не вызывающий аллергиюScientists create Allergy-free peanuts.

A peanut Allergy is considered one of the most common types of food allergies in the world, what’s more, it can even lead to fatal outcomes.

In America alone from this Allergy affects about 3 million people. But American Agricultural scientists from North Carolina state University and State technical University managed to create a hypoallergenic peanut through special processing method roasted nuts. The final product has nothing to do with genetically modified foods.

Roasted peanuts treated with a special compound that completely removes from the nuts of the gene-allergen Ara h 1 and 98% reduces the gene content of the allergen Ara h 2. Thus, according to experts, the taste of the peanut remains unchanged.

This development scientists can have great prospects, as the treated peanuts can be used for flour production and manufacture of other food products. This will produce safe products for people who are allergic to peanuts.

Experts also hope that the innovative peanuts can then be used by doctors to exposure therapy which helps to relieve patients from the unpleasant experience associated with allergies

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