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Common myths in which they believe the majority of people. Photo

Распространенные мифы, в которые верит большинство людей. ФотоAccording to statistics, they believe 82%.

Scientific myths as children’s sayings, stubbornly afloat. Moreover, these myths hovering around for so long that they begin to believe accepted wisdom. Research 2015 showed that 82% of adults are mistaken in at least one of the following questions.

1. Everest is the highest mountain in the world

Распространенные мифы, в которые верит большинство людей. Фото

No, that title belongs to Mauna Kea, a volcanic peak in Hawaii with a summit at a height of 4205 meters. But wait, you say, this is much less than the height of mount Everest. In fact, this number indicates only the height above sea level — most of this peak goes to the bottom of the Pacific ocean. Along with it it reaches an altitude of 10,000 meters. Technically, Everest — the highest mountain above sea level, but certainly not the highest mountain on Earth.

2. The great wall of China visible from space

Распространенные мифы, в которые верит большинство людей. Фото

Many astronauts have confirmed that from space Great wall not seen by the naked eye, and, of course, not from the surface of the moon.

This myth broke into popular culture in the 18th century — before people went into space really — but calculations showed that to try to see the wall from the moon is like trying to see a human hair from two miles.

3. The color red enrages bulls

Распространенные мифы, в которые верит большинство людей. Фото

In fairness, the bulls are color blind. The animal is not angry color, and sweeping movement of this material. “Mythbusters” put in front of the bull three stuffed with rags of different colors. And proved that bull rushes to the cloth that moves, regardless of color.

4. Chameleons can make any color

Распространенные мифы, в которые верит большинство людей. Фото

The chameleon has a very ability to change color, but this color mostly depends on my mood lizards, changes in body temperature or to communicate, not from the environment.

For example, they can become a dazzling white in direct sunlight to reflect heat, or become dark in the cooler time to absorb the light and patterns of colour, the male can decorate themselves, signaling readiness to mate.

5. Lightning never strikes the same place twice

Распространенные мифы, в которые верит большинство людей. Фото

Hit, and how. Trees and tall buildings often get lightning strikes, which is not particularly bother about where to beat. For example, the Empire state building lightning strikes 25 times a year. One day during a storm she received eight blows of lightnings in half an hour.

6. People’s brains are divided into right-handers and left-handers

Распространенные мифы, в которые верит большинство людей. Фото

Conventional wisdom have come to this: creative people have dominant right hemisphere, and a more prudent and pragmatic — left. This is a great way to classify personality traits, but research has not shown evidence that individuals left or right hemisphere of the brain responsible for these features. Although scientists have found that left and right parts of the brain are responsible for different functions (language — left, right), none of them is superior to another. That is, the truth is that both halves of your brain equally active.

7. We only have five senses

Распространенные мифы, в которые верит большинство людей. Фото

Sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch. Although many think of that as our ultimate set of feelings, we have a lot more of them not less than twenty. For example, we have the ability to sense temperature, the ability to balance while skiing — what does it include? But hunger, thirst, orientation during movement, or the sense of space? Our brains have the broadest set of receptors.

8. We use our brain only 10%

Распространенные мифы, в которые верит большинство людей. Фото

We would like to think that the brain is only working at 10%, and the rest are awaiting filling, like a hard disk. Unfortunately, that’s not true and this myth has been dispelled by science. We use our brain at one hundred percent, all the time.

At any point in time, we process so much information that neurons and synapses are lit throughout the brain is almost endless. Any function or task that we are constantly running, stimulating different parts of the brain; MRI scan conducted by neurologist, confirmed that our most important organ works complete, even when performing the most trivial tasks.

9. Sharks don’t get cancer

Распространенные мифы, в которые верит большинство людей. Фото

You may have heard this not very popular but persistent myth that parents told their children when visiting the aquarium. Unfortunately for our brothers the fish, they have no immunity to this disease and they get cancer. Even sadder is that many people fell for this hook, and began to kill sharks in “medical” purposes for learning and extracting the “medicinal” extracts.

10. Year of a dog’s life equals seven years of human life

Распространенные мифы, в которые верит большинство людей. Фото

Many of you still believed that one year of human life equals seven years of the life of the dog. 50% of adults believe this myth, which has nothing to do with science. The equivalent age of a dog depends on its size and breed, and also varies depending on its stage of life.

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