Home / Medicine / Coconut oil is the best medicine in Alzheimer’s disease

Coconut oil is the best medicine in Alzheimer’s disease

Кокосовое масло - лучшее лекарство при болезни АльцгеймераCoconut oil is able to do wonders with the brain.

Dr. Mary Newport believes that the ketones, which our body produces when digesting coconut oil, can be alternative fuel for our brain.

She believes that coconut oil may be useful in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease.

If her theory is correct, it may be one of the most natural and great discoveries in the field of health for many years.


Dr. Newport personal scores with Alzheimer’s. Her husband, Steve, when he was 50, five years suffered from progressive dementia, while the MRI confirmed the diagnosis.

In their study, she actually recounts her story.

“Countless days, sometimes in direct succession, it was like a fog. He couldn’t find a spoon, to remember how to get water from the fridge… One day I was waiting for the call and asked my husband, not whether he. He replied: “No.” A few days later you remembered that, and so you called and asked me to tell this and this… “.

Dr. Newport noticed that the husband has problems with short-term memory, although the information is still wandering in his mind. Its always had the idea that his diet must have something to do attitude.

He began to take medication to stop the process of retardation of the brain, but from them he became irritated and lost weight, I forgot how to cook, to use a calculator and perform other simple actions.

The search for hope.

One day she came across information about the potential uses of triglycerides with an average chain length or ketone bodies to treat and prevent the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

Triglycerides with medium chain length are also being considered as a potential treatment of Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, multiple sclerosis, drug-resistant form of epilepsy, and diabetes.

“Ketone bodies can help in the recovery of brain function after oxygen deficiency, can help repair the heart after an acute attack that can even turn away the cancerous tumor. Children with drug resistant epilepsy sometimes perceive a very low-carb ketogenic diet,” explained Newport.

The cells of our body can absorb ketone bodies, as a kind of alternative fuel when glucose is not available.

Normally ketone bodies are not circulating in the human body, except that he was starving the last couple of days, or if the person is sitting on a very low carbohydrate diet, for example, illness of Atkinson.

According to Dr. Newport, during Alzheimer disease neurons in certain areas of the brain can not accept the glucose because they are insulin-resistant and slowly die off. Presumably, if these cells had access to ketone bodies, they could continue their functioning.


In short, Dr. Newport began giving her husband the required dose of coconut oil. After 60 days, Dr. Newport said that Steve has become more focused and happy, talkative and even started to joke. And the tremors became less noticeable.

Steve takes 2 tablespoons of coconut oil 2 times per day to ketone bodies circulate in precisely a day.

After a year of this treatment Dr. Newport says that her husband became a totally different person.

Notes that he still can hardly find the right words, but he knows his relatives, can hold a conversation, and his face began to Express more emotion than from the onset of the disease.

“At the moment we are happy with what you have. Even if coconut oil is, in fact, can not be cured, but only suspend the progress of the disease, is worth every drop of alcohol consumed,” adds a happy wife.

If there is a simple method that can give hope, why not try? Write to us. We hope that all incurable disease ever be defeated.

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