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Choose mushroom.

Today, there are
a number of hypotheses about how to collect a lot of mushrooms, which places most rich in natural crops and even entire circuits
and these assumptions about the correct collection. However, the reality is
much more difficult, and hypotheses like instructions, such as conceal themselves,
forcing to reflect even the most experienced mushroom picker. Because, as often happens,
places that by all logical calculations must be populated
various types of spawn, leave the basket for our silent hunters empty.
But where in all reason should not be anything, it’s
a contrary result. Why is this happening and how not to be mistaken with a choice

Remember the most basic
rule: all the mushrooms without exception like average temperature, i.e. areas in
which it constant, where not too damp and there is constant sunshine.
Dry spruce forests and marshy place is absolutely not for us. What we need
where to go with our basket?

And guide your way in need
side of mixed forests, where spruce and pine are replaced by each other
high birches, where a lot of grass, and the sun falls down crown
trees. But, in any case not deeper
forest, we need places along the edges of such sites is not further than 50 metres from open
glades. Mushrooms like places ,densely populated with different herbs.

Remember that and simple
birch forest cannot guarantee us a “profitable” places. The plots should be
mixed. This will help us to find a variety of mushrooms, and as you know, in
the quiet hunt on any harvest – the harvest! The same applies to simple pine
territories. But small clearings in such forests may be useful for

Remember one more rule –
mushrooms don’t grow near ponds, swamps, rivers and lakes. They prefer upland
of any nature. However, the open space in the form fields for them

Take note of these small
rules, armed with a basket and go for natural harvest!

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