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China intercepts from the world “seven” initiative

On Thursday, when in ISE-SIMA (Sweden) met the “Big seven” (completes Friday), China holds regular events in preparation of the summit “group of twenty” in Hangzhou in September.

And if you compare one with the other meetings, it turns out that although Beijing did not cast the challenges of the “seven” on behalf of “twenty”, but quietly, spur of the moment, starts (unlike leaders of “seven”) to dictate the global agenda.

Speaking the American language, assumes world leadership.

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The Hangzhou bridge in China — the world’s largest

No feminism

“Group of seven” after she left, and apparently not going back to Russia, turned into a club under the slogan “the West against all the others.” It is visible on its agenda in ISE CIMA and according to the previously known solutions, which are clearly aimed against China, Russia and so on.

If in these days met, for example, the leaders of the BRICS countries, then everything would be simple: compare solutions and approaches, look at how anti-West disputes with the West.

But in this case it’s much more difficult because in club twenty leading (economic and political weight of countries in the world are members of the “sevens”. And China as the interim Chairman of the “the world political Bureau” of the twenty leading countries makes no sense to split them into “us” and “them”.

Instead, China makes it almost impossible: forming the program of the future summit in Hangzhou, to be accepted by all participants. But he does it so that it becomes obvious that “twenty” is present tense, is a mechanism of global governance, it has value. But why “seven”, remains to be seen.

Let’s start with the women. The fact is that right now Beijing staged in the city of XI’an meeting of delegates from 20 countries, creating a division of twenty — W20, or, in the Russian version, Ж20. What a good idea to create on an ongoing basis a separate program, “the world political Bureau” for the advancement of women. Who will object? Yes, no one.

Full text of the speech in XI’an Li yuanchao, Deputy head of the Chinese state, not very different from the speeches made on the same occasion around the world. From it we learn that there is world women’s conference in Beijing that 55% of participating the Internet economy in China — women that three million Chinese families have received, at the end of mass voting, the title of “the most happy” (as in the Soviet Union were the “house of exemplary content”). The same usually any speech on this subject, especially in the UN. We could tell you more about that China with its ancient civilization has always been a very “feminine” country, though not matriarchal, but this particular.

Most importantly, what in the speech of Mr. Lee was not. No traces of what in General is called feminism in its modern American or generally Western” version. The requirements not only of equality, but of the dominance of women in the office, divorces with Heist’s ex-husband as a sporting achievement, attitude towards men as incurable rapists, mass hunt for pedophiles, the juvenile justice system as a method of weaning children from the family, Yes simply the destruction of the family as such — this was here before. Although critics of all of these diseases of Western society is also in the speech was not.

That is, China is, in fact, confrontation assumes world leadership — for a start during his presidency in the “twenty” — for the return of the women’s rights movement in a normal, human way.

Platform and micro-organisms

And Chinese is not the only initiative before the summit in Hangzhou. There is still the idea of a global “green Finance”.

It is an offer impossible to refuse the many obsessed with the ecology of Westerners, and not only them.

Because China is not just suggested, it has long been these “green” Finance in control. In fact, he gives special and government-supported program loans projects related to something environmentally friendly and innovative. Doing it in China and beyond. This is leadership.

In April, in Nanjing met a group of representatives from 20 countries on trade and investment. The question was primarily about the creation of information platforms for small and medium business, virtual marketplaces. This is also a Chinese invention, but it is not only about the promotion of the product. Platform in China are thought of as one of the many business opportunities from the entire developing world to revive the investment process in the whole world, because the world economy cannot return to pre-crisis, up to 2007, the level where the volume of direct investment exceeded $ 2 trillion.

Chinese media published the interview with the famous Jim O’neill, the man who invented the reduction of the BRICS, and now a major official in the British Ministry of Finance. He notes that China, which has become one of the indicators of the second, and others first world economy will have a huge impact on the revival of global economic growth. And calls one, rather unexpected, area where this influence is already evident. This program is the development of new means of combat the microorganisms that produce antibiotic resistance. China not only as Chairman of the “twenty” is a leader in its programme of dealing with the problem, but he has developed many methods and technologies in this field.

For those who feel that micro-organisms too small for the global level: it’s about 20 trillion dollars. That may be the amount of damage from epidemics caused by invincible viruses and other enemies.

Biography of the “group of twenty”, which was hastily created in 2008 to combat the outbreak of the global crisis, then, is quite complex. In some moments it seemed that this is a new UN Security Council. In other years there was still the feeling that this is a club in which the leading financiers of the world to notify each other about its future policy to avoid currency wars — and no more.

China is now, in fact, undertook the transformation of the “twenty” from the club into a powerful global mechanism, which will operate a variety of programs. Hardly anyone in Beijing had planned to show so how poorly on this background looks “seven” that goes on the defensive against new emerging powers. But in practice that is what happens.

Dmitry Kosyrev

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