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Carp in the summer

Karas, probably the most revered fish that anglers of all generations and professions, status, different experiences, habits and even gender differences… Carp caught everything from a wild aboriginal, living in a hut on chicken legs to steep master.

In light fog, weightless moving over the water, see the float. It is almost black, but barely touch his tip, a reflex of the dawn, as rastreskaetsya sensitive antenna of the float, and the water lilies surrounding him poured a Golden light coming from inside. Mirror window among the leaves of pods, where the measurement of the float touched the light ripple, surfaced air bubble. And then the chain the same bubble headed in the direction… of the float, which suddenly swayed and fell on its side. It’s the bite!..

Side a nod in the heat

We are not talking about the traditional catching of this fish the float and fishing on the side of the nod. In the spring flood, in the summer heat, in the cold November mornings, in short, is not very convenient for fishing conditions this gear is often simply irreplaceable.

Since it is summer, then it will be about fishing in the heat of summer, that is, again, about fishing under some extreme. As you know, any fish during periods of hot time is inactive, feeds slowly and rarely, especially if the water is very warm and begins to bloom. In the brightest days of scorching sun a carp tries to stay in the shade of thickets of pods and other aquatic plants. Especially if the pond is shallow, as are most of the ponds. And here fishing on the side a nod.

It is clear that for catching the weight, and this is the case, you need a light long rod with a length of 5-7 metres. Here carbon is more suitable than the composite rod as the latter, though more viscous and durable, but is heavier than the coal. If you take a swing tackle for fishing, the absence of crossing rings and coils will further facilitate the rod.

For better handling of the rod requires fast action form or an intermediate option. Games load, if necessary moving the jig, will have just on the side of the nod. Nods are sold off in the direction of the coiled spring with the bright ball on the end, and there are various modifications of winter nods with flat springs, where there is a mount under the side nod. But most such nods anglers made themselves.

Fishing line on a reel or motoviltse wound thin, with a diameter of not more than 0,17 mm and a leash and 0.12-0.15 mm, which is important when fishing a sluggish and cautious fish. In ponds with small fish you can put in and a more delicate snap, especially if the fishing is supposed to lure in the little Windows in the grass. In “strong” places where there are hooks, the tackle can be stronger.

The jig is adjusted for different fishing conditions. Usually it’s “osinka” or “pebble” medium size. Emphasis is placed on the nozzle or bait, not the game mormyshki, although sometimes the race bait on the bottom or smooth fluctuations in the water among stems of water lilies can attract fish and stimulate the biting. Great role play bait or nozzle. In the heat it could be the bloodworms, little maggot, filamentous Alga selcount, and best of all can entice lethargic fish, various larvae and worms that live on the underside of the Lily leaves or stems of reeds.

Bait is generally not used in such fishing, as the angler does not sit in one place. Early in the morning on the side of nod it is better to catch near the shore, in the shallows, among the reeds and grass, and in the heat — in the deep places among thickets of white lilies and yellow.

A carp on the feeder

The traditional view of the carp, they say, fish are lazy, leisurely, loving standing water and the mud, belongs to the carp, which is also called “pennies”. It’s almost all fish living in the ponds, and now in the shallows of the Volga reservoirs.

But there are still carp in the body elongated, silvery in color and fierce nature… the Differences between these carp from the round or Golden clear. Silver carp are not afraid of currents and in the spring often come in small rivers, which happens every year on Malaya Kokshaga. These daredevils are quite naturally stood in the ranks of the indigenous inhabitants of river depths and swift currents of ides, chubs, plotvits and bream — and now caught up together with them in the feeder and other the donkey.

To equip the feeder you can put braided line, better color, allowing in some extent to control the length of throw and go without clipping, which can cause breakage of the feeder. Given that the cord has no extensibility, with an element rubber isolator, which is placed usually in front of the feeder required in the snap-in feeder. As when fishing for bream and other fish, before fishing for carp should also find a curb or some characteristic of the change in the bottom topography. Usually before a casting trough and skarmlivanii places bottom “detectable” marker a weight, which initially is thrown in the far distance. Then by the time fall to the bottom is determined by the estimated depth. Then the sinker is dragged across the seabed to the shore and as his movements are noticeable differences in depth, character of bottom sediments, which is noticeable even on the cord if the weight crunching on the shells, or got stuck in a muddy pillow. Edge is determined to increase the resistance and lifting the cord up.

Bait is mixed before finding the edge and other preparations for fishing. She should be given time to soak up the water and swell. Usually in the summer to apply sufficient caloric feeder mixture. Fillers can also be arranged ready to cook or barley, in the worst case a porridge of millet and pea puree. In places where in addition to carp, there are many greedy and cocky small fry fish like verkhovka and bleak use of cereals as filler can result in the fact that the carp won’t even approach the hooks. In such cases, often even refuse to bait or use as a filler in the ground with a mole plow up meadows.

Flavors and dipping sauces also often serve as a good tool in catching carp on the feeder, where the natural and somewhat strange is garlic, both natural and in the form of a spray or liquid dip. Even more strange can be called a dip, which smells a worm, they say, why is it when a live worm wriggling on the hook?.. But in the application of such a dip has its own logic, which lies in the fact that the smell of the living worm is very short-lived, while the deep smell even in the water for almost all fishing.

On ponds, lakes and techology areas of reservoirs used lighter feeders. This rod is slow and middle order tests no more than 40-50 grams and a length of 3-3. 3 m. In fact, here begins the sphere of influence of the picker and the corresponding features, where instead of braids it is better to apply an elastic fishing line, as fishing occurs in the coastal zone of the reservoir, without current. Change is in the way of feeding places. Instead of the feeders in a light feeder or picker is often used sinker, the bait is delivered to the point of fishing special slingshots for bait or tube type “Cobra”.

Piker — a very delicate and sensitive tackle, which is not inferior in performance to the float rod, and the advantage of it is that the picker can throw the bait over the coastal strip of aquatic vegetation, where the centrifugal float rod can’t reach.

Snap-in feeder and picker in the summer should be fine. Fishing line on leashes 0,12-0,14 mm. carp Hooks are used, most often it is No. 12-8 on international numbering.

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