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Cancer can be recognized early on: 5 signs

Рак можно распознать на ранней стадии: 5 признаковIf you detect cancer at an early stage of development, it can be cured.

Scientists say that most people are faced with signals which indicate the outbreak of cancer.

With anxiety symptoms we face regularly, but not always properly react to them. But if this is cancer, the delay is sometimes fatal.

A frightening cough

Periodic coughing rarely scare anyone. But if the cough is regular, continuous and painful, and, if it appears the blood, you must immediately go to the doctor.

This symptom along with others: weight loss, weakness, constant subfebrile temperature, etc., can prevent lung cancer. But if cancer is not confirmed, it is possible to is bronchitis, pneumonia or other severe disease

Toilet problems

Difficulty urinating and changes to the chair, as a rule, people explain malnutrition and hypothermia. And also too bad that problems that arise and disappear: that hurts, then all is well. Of course this delays the trip to the doctor. And for good reason.

So, failures in urination, blood in the urine have shown that a person has a urinary tract infection. If at the same time a sore lower back, then it could be symptoms of kidney cancer. The bowels directly related to immunity, as the main protective forces of the body are produced in this organ.

Persistent pain

It happens that the person gets used to the pain — constant, aching. But that only points to failure of some organs. For example, if long chest pain need to be checked for lung cancer or breast cancer.

Non-healing wounds

Wounds in humans appear frequently and the reasons could be any. But it is important to heal in a timely manner. Approximately, the doctors discharged 3 weeks on the healing of small wounds.

Non-healing ulcers may indicate cancerous tumors in the body. Education seal If formed seal, e.g., at the site of lymph nodes, you should immediately contact your doctor and do an ultrasound.

So can manifest in Oncology and Oncology tumor of the lymph nodes is very quickly spreading cancer cells in the human body. This metastasis may lead to multiple cancer.

Trouble swallowing

If swallowing difficult and increase over time, an urgent need to be examined. After all, this could indicate cancer of the larynx and esophagus.

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