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Called the eight main causes of high blood pressure

Названы восемь главных причин повышенного артериального давленияThese factors should be avoided.

High blood pressure is a negative factor that may lead to health problems and trigger chronic disease. It makes the walls of blood vessels become thicker (since they can withstand additional pressure), and the heart to pump more blood in, which ultimately leads to heart failure. What are the causes of high blood pressure? Here are some of them.

1. Heredity

Genetics may play a very important role. A positive family history of high blood pressure is a strong factor that can cause other family members the chance of the formation of the early vascular disorders. Although the prevention of high blood pressure is not possible, the identification of risks can delay the onset of symptoms in susceptible patients.

2. Weight and eating habits

A diet high in fat and sodium can increase the risk of developing high blood pressure. In addition, people who have a busy lifestyle and those who consume too much alcohol are prone to develop metabolic disorders. Excess weight adds strain on the heart and increases the risk of early complications.

3. Lack of physical activity

A sedentary lifestyle is also one of the causes of high blood pressure. This risk group mainly included people with a genetic propensity to excess weight, high body mass index, etc. an Hour of daily physical activity will help burn excess fat and increase metabolism in the body.

4. Kidney disease

This factor can lead to maintain an excess amount of salts and other dissolved substances, which could trigger high blood pressure. Such pathologies include renal artery stenosis, glomerulonephritis, and certain infections.

5. Smoking

Cigarettes have thousands of harmful chemicals, which damage the respiratory system. The oxide of carbohydrate contained in cigarettes displaces oxygen from the blood. This process leads to additional stress on the heart to meet the body’s needs for oxygen.

6. Sugar

It turns out that sugar may cause high blood pressure. In fact, “sweet friend” can hurt heart health more than salt. Very often dietary recommendations to combat hypertension focused on reducing the consumption of sugars in the diet.

7. Medication

Medications to treat asthma or hormonal therapy, including oral contraceptives can lead to increased blood pressure. This is because these drugs reduce the body’s ability to control fluid and electrolyte balance, causing your blood vessels to narrow.

8. Loneliness

Did you know that the time spent with friends, affect the well-being and improved health. According to the study alone not only reduces confidence, causes stress, but also negatively affects blood pressure.

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