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Assad estimated damage of Syrian war

Damage from Syria’s civil war, ongoing since 2011, has exceeded $ 200 billion. This was stated by President Bashar al-Assad in an interview with RIA Novosti. “Economic issues can be worked out directly, when the situation in Syria stabilizes. But the rehabilitation of infrastructure takes a long time”, — said …

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The search for spring fish

Meltwater running under the ice since the beginning of the month, has led to temperature stratification of water. Feed the fish rose to the upper layers. The fish were raised for food, but also moved to the shore, where there is more oxygen. Perch, including the fact that the whole …

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The defenders of the brain turned out to be his enemies

Scientists from the Salk Institute have discovered a protein that helps keep your brain “clean”, removing him from the dead neurons. They were the special receptors of immune cells, which in some neurodegenerative diseases, on the contrary, began to accelerate the destruction of the brain. A study published in the …

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As “Panamanian drain” will affect the global offshore business?

The publication of the confidential documents of Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca on offshore transactions caused a stir in global financial markets and has led to loud political statements and events. From “the Panama document” that Mossack Fonseca, in some cases, helped clients launder money to avoid sanctions and evade …

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Turkish fans pelted players “Dynamo” garbage

Fans of the Istanbul Galatasaray threw the volleyball players Krasnodar “the Dynamo” garbage in the first match of the Cup of the European volleyball Confederation (CEV). This was reported attacking Russian team Tatiana Kosheleva on his page in Instagram. “Fans of the Turkish team were more than adequately,their words and …

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Investors kept 850 billion in private Russian banks

Total deposits 160 banks, deprived of licenses from 1 January 2014 to March 25, 2016, amounted 849,8 billion rubles, reports “Russian news service” referring to the “Agency for deposits insurance” (DIA). Of this amount of 740 billion rubles were returned to the clients. The volume of deposits not covered by …

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