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The U.S. resumed arms shipments to al Qaeda in Syria

A loud increase of the contingent of U.S. special forces into Syria immediately to six times, for a total of 250 people, were operations of the cover for shadow of arms, “al-Qaeda”. This is evidenced by the British military transport publishers Jane’s, which recorded the delivery on April 7 from …

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Journey to Paradise

In anticipation of the holiday season I wanted to share with the trolls of their most impressive journey… Luba, my history has not ended, just the mood of the resort)) “A journey of a thousand leagues begins with a single step” – I said Lao Tzu. I will hrenovskoy why …

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An epidemic of zika virus in Brazil began to decline

Global epidemic Zeke is clearly on the decline in Brazil. As reports Agence France Presse with reference to data of the world health organization, this is probably due to the end of the summer season in the country. “The epidemic began to decline in Brazil, said the Deputy head of …

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On the world market of alcohol serious battles unfold

One hundred and fifty French farmers blocking the road, stopped the convoy of five huge tankers with Spanish wine. Threatening drivers with punishment, they poured more than 30 thousand liters of the product to the ground. Two tanker trucks of wine left, and three attackers were allowed to leave half …

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Who will keep track of inspection bodies?

Increasingly, legal and private persons are forced to file lawsuits about the illegality of the actions of the state housing inspection, the claims about a recognition illegal requirements of the Commission, the alleged violation of their rights during unscheduled inspections. We learned the details of the violations from State housing …

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About the visit to China, Prime Minister of Australia

13-14 April, paid an official visit to China Prime Minister of Australia, Malcolm Turnbull – the first since he assumed his post in September 2015, the Government delegation has arrived in China accompanied by thousands of Australian businessmen. Such a large-scale landing, landed on Chinese territory, had to witness the …

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Debt parasitism of the West

The world Bank (WB) published its latest statistical obsipo debt situation in the world – International Debt Statistics 2016. The survey covers 120 countries, according to the criteria of the WB belong to the category of countries with low and middle income (LMI countries). The report contains detailed information on …

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