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A man with the head of an alien

Qi Wanchai not like the average person living in China, even among the usual oddities to different people. However, the man, from childhood suffering from unusual disease, most likely caused by the rapidly deteriorating over the past century, the environment of China, attended the state of his health just now …

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The cutest future king: Prince George sent farewell Canada

Fotodom / Rex Features The last day of his tour of Canada, the children of the British Prince William (Prince William) and Duchess Kate Middleton (Kate Middleton) touching said goodbye to the locals. Three-year-old Prince George won the hearts of millions when he looked out of the airplane. Fotodom / …

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Svetlana Bondarchuk confused fans of bad posture in pictures

Starfas Svetlana Bondarchuk is considered an icon of style and beauty, but one of the last photos in his Instagram star struck. On Light photo posing, with their bare legs on the chair. From Bondarchuk’s really weird. www.instagram.com/a030aa SOLOCONCERT Upload your best photos to the site and get the prize …

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Как без проблем перевести с WebMoney на PayPal?

Руководству компании PayPal, которая была основана в 1998 году, за счет детального изучения тонкостей и нюансов рынка электронной валюты, а также грамотной организации рабочего процесса удалось завоевать доверие пользователей во всем мире. Без преувеличения можно сказать, что именно появление этой системы стало неким толчком для развития интернет-коммерции, которая процветает и …

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