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Billions of dollars in forfeiture and other “tails”

Миллиардные конфискации и другие "хвосты"

1. Here is the next stage of the fight against corruption. The former Governor of the state prizes have been confiscated in the state income more than 1 billion rubles. What confiscated? Because he could not explain the origin of the money. Who exactly seized? The ex-official and members of his family:


Remember, as I wrote a few months ago the unfortunate clerk who has been robbed of the car because she could not explain what the money bought it?


While many cynics assured me, if it’s a show like “big fish” no one will touch. Here you go, go big fish – the proceeds of corruption confiscated billions already. Moreover, please note that violate the Constitution article 20, promoted by us, the opposition, did not need to:


The rule according to which nobody is obliged to prove his innocence, considered in the new laws is very simple. The official must submit the income Declaration. And if the Declaration of income is filled out correctly, the state has the right to punish him – and confiscated property, the origin of which the official declarations forgot to explain.

Let me also remind you that in corruption cases in Russia brought every year a huge number of sentences, more than 10 thousand a year:


There is a very large defendants who receive years of imprisonment for their crimes:


Another issue is that in the liberal blogs about it prefer not to tell. Or there’s talk about the cases that have reached the final conclusive because of the weakness of evidence of guilt of the accused, or about the case where the corrupt official is “his”, and it is possible to try to declare a victim of political repression.

2. The Bank of Sweden declared that “helicopter money” – is a reasonable strategy for Central banks:


I will remind, helicopter money is when the Central Bank prints a ton of money and throws them out of a helicopter over the city, that was enough money for everyone. Here are preparing for it already, the Swedes – and not secretly, as the Central banks of countries, and quite openly.

Of course, in real life with the helicopter money will not throw – but something like “unconditional income”, when every Swede will be issued, for example, 10 thousand Swedish crowns a month to spend them at own discretion, it may be introduced in the coming months.

Perhaps needless to specify that attempts to solve a structural problem by enabling the printing press to end well can’t. POPS and “helicopter money” – this is the last stage of agony of the Western financial system. For some time the printing press can cheer up the patient, but then should have expected a cleansing of hyperinflation and extremely painful to restart the economy from scratch.

3. The IMF improved its forecasts for the Russian economy. The Fund’s experts assume that in 2016 our economy will shrink slightly, and in 2017 will increase slightly:


The IMF also believes that at the end of 2016 inflation will reach 6.5%, which, in principle, is consistent with the expectations of our Central Bank.

4. Americans don’t particularly bother generosity towards his henchmen. Suffice it to recall the sad fate trying to flirt with them of the heads of state – Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi and Viktor Yanukovych.

Ordinary American minions, which the heads of state are not, certainly can’t count on sincere appreciation. After the moor is doing its job, Maura cynically suggest we leave.

When caught on a hot Grigory Rodchenkov, the former head of the Moscow anti-doping laboratory, all of a sudden get a good position in the US, it looked like a reward for arranging Mr. Rodchenkova doping scandal of 2011.

However, again, not in the rules of the Americans to arrange the fate of those who don’t need them anymore. And really – as it turned out, neither of which honorable pension for Mr. Rodchenkova of the question. He is active in helping Washington in a new place, publishing amazing stories about doping, which he allegedly personally poured our Olympic Champions:


Perhaps, needless to explain that to back up their “exposure” to any documents – videos, for example – Mr Rodchenkov they did not bother. It is not surprising that conducting the Olympics the country is not even technically have the ability to manipulate the doping samples for every sneezing are effectively controlled by the representatives of other countries.

Here you have to compare the history of the real revelations of secret games. Former police officer mark Dugan who is tired of lawlessness in the United States and now seeks political asylum in Russia, brought a lot of compelling evidence has deeply affected the Florida state police corruption:


Thus, among the evidence are records of telephone conversations, which the police in plain text were admitted to their crimes.

What is the essence of the whole operation with Mr. Radchenkov? Everything absolutely transparently – Americans are actively trying to remove our team from the Olympic games in Brazil. The Olympic games, generally one of their priority areas – if you remember, in 2008, the Americans staged a provocation with South Ossetia, and in 2014, with the Euromaidan.

Now, apparently realizing that in real life they Russia not to replay, they focused on our athletes. The last few months is simply a surge of raids on Russia, the reasons for the scandals out sometimes the most absurd.

For example, fresh – international anti-doping Agency WADA has demanded from Russia to give their experts access to closed cities:


On the one hand, it is clear that this is the kind of exorbitant insolence, and that no American agents in our city we are closed to prevent not going. On the other hand, is one more brick in the press, with which the States will push sports officials for aggressive decisions against Russia.

5. Rise of the machines, it seems, is not far off. Who would have thought that an ordinary refrigerator may attack humans? Nevertheless, the camcorder has recorded shocking footage of the aggression revolt of the ice box:

6. Hopes for independence in Russia seems to gradually leave our American friends and partners. As it turned out, the representatives of the Russian elite believe that America is pursuing a hostile policy toward Russia:


Thus, the Ukrainian scenario, when almost all Ukrainian politicians, officials and security forces together ate the cookies from the hands of the American emissaries in Russia is unlikely to repeat in the near future. Americans specifically we have spoiled their reputation and conduct subversive work in Russia, it is now much harder.

7. On “the patriot Handbook” published an article about a newly built bridge in Crimea:


Fresh news began to build support for marine areas, also the construction of the bridge sent the first four steel beam spans for automotive parts.

Judging by the rate at which work is progressing, at the end of 2018 on the bridge really will be the first cars.

8. As you know, the team from St. Petersburg has won the world programming championship. Nothing new or surprising here is not, our students are really the best. However, countries with less effective education system are actively trying to poach our talented students for yourself, and we are not actively resisting the theft of brains – but that’s another sore point.

Now I want to make the illustration less known fact. Here speaking less successful team China and team USA:


Миллиардные конфискации и другие "хвосты"

Unable to determine where the University of Shanghai, where is Harvard? Right, it’s not easy. Because USA is the most advanced scientific country in the Western world still prefers not to prepare their own shots, and to poach them from abroad.

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