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Best tips for good potency

Лучшие советы для хорошей потенцииAmerican nutritionist M. Walker believes that save men’s health can be due to correctly made diet that provides the body with essential energy.

The observance of some simple rules will help to normalize sexual function and prevent the development of inflammatory processes of the reproductive system.

1. Eat as much fresh vegetables and fruits. Whole fruits are rich in fiber, and juices cannot fully replace them.

2. Every day you need to eat at least one vegetable or fruit that contains provitamin A. This is a leaf lettuce or spinach, carrots, all fruits are red-yellow in color.

3. In the daily diet should contain vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C – tomatoes, potatoes, blackcurrants, citrus fruits, green peppers and cabbage.

4. Make sure to eat foods with a high content of vitamin E. these include bananas, carrots, wheat bran, tomatoes, nuts, sunflower seeds, rye bread, vegetable oil, fish salmon and other seafood.

5. Do not forget about products rich in zinc. The lack of this element can lead to prostatitis and impotence. Zinc is found mainly in protein products, however it is better to prefer no meat, chicken or fish. If for some reason you decided to limit food of animal origin, eat more beans, peas, lentils, nuts, garlic, mushrooms, parsley, turnips, corn, potatoes and cauliflower.
It is also useful to drink grape juice. However, a leader among the zinc-containing products are considered fresh oysters.

6. Often prepare a salad of leafy greens. These dishes desirable to use at least 1 time a day.

7. Limit fatty sauces. Your diet must contain less animal fat.

8. Food best steamed, boiled, baked in the oven, but in any case not fry.

9. Eggs and cheese it is desirable to limit.

10. Minimize consumption of strong tea and coffee. These drinks contain large amounts of caffeine affecting men’s health.

11. Completely eliminate alcoholic beverages.

12. Try to avoid sugar. It is better to replace it with honey.

13. Eat less salt. If you are not able to get on without her, it is preferable to use sea instead of the usual. Even better, add in food brown seaweed, which contains a lot of beneficial elements such as iodine, iron etc. to Give the required taste of the dishes will help spice, herbs and lemon juice.

14. To be eaten in small portions but often (6-8 times a day). This method of feeding prevents the deposition of fat. Do not allow yourself to overeat.
If you already have a problem with excess weight, eat little and only in the case when thoroughly hungry.

15. Any liquid is better to consume either 30 minutes before meal, or after the same time after a meal.

16. Dense protein Breakfast of beans and cereals will ensure good release of energy in the body, which occurs almost the whole day.

17. Do not eat candied fruits.

18. Milk products: kefir, yogurt, koumiss, buttermilk, acidophilus milk etc. – lightweight and highly nutritious snack. Well add brewer’s yeast or of sprouted wheat.

19. Rarely eat refined foods: white flour, refined vegetable oil etc.

See also: top tips for expressive eyes

20. Limit your intake of canned foods, soft drinks, chocolate, salted nuts, sweets, sugar-containing chewing gum, jams, ice cream, jams, jellies, fried pies, pastry, and sweet desserts.

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