Home / Economy / Belousov listed who are in the risk sectors of the economy

Belousov listed who are in the risk sectors of the economy

Белоусов перечислил попавшие в зону риска отрасли экономики

In the risk area remains the automotive industry, railway engineering, construction, light industry, said the Russian presidential aide Andrei Belousov.

“There have been signs that we have received some stabilization. But at the same time there are a number of serious unresolved structural issues. The first is that a number of industries were at risk, so to speak, for the red line. These are sectors where over the past two years have seen the largest contraction of the market – the automobile industry, railway engineering, construction, light industry,” – said the assistant to the President.

He stressed that the government has developed and is implementing anti-crisis program, aimed at stabilization of the situation in these sectors, reports TASS.

“But we understand that the anti-crisis program is only a temporary measure, necessary strategic decisions”, – said Belousov.

Belousov said that the Russian economy as a whole has overcome the crisis and find a new balance point by mid-2015.

“We have reached this point of balance with the substantial increase in the number of poor. The number of citizens with incomes below the subsistence minimum is now 13% of the population before the crisis was 10%. That’s almost 5 million new poor people”, – said the assistant to the President.

The subsistence minimum in March 2016 is set at 10 187 thousand rubles per month for able-bodied population.

“And this is a very serious problem,” – said Belousov.

In his opinion, to overcome, to return poverty to pre-crisis levels may take several years.

We will remind, the Russian economy is experiencing a major restructuring. Russia’s dependence on oil revenues fell to a record over the last ten years.

On may 25, the scheduled meeting of the Economic Council under the President of Russia.

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