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Beautiful EU

Прекрасный Евросоюз

Amid a series of terrorist attacks in Europe, EU authorities have recently tried to strengthen firearms control, which led to the dispute between Brussels and Switzerland. In a country where, after serving in the army decided to keep the assault rifles, this initiative caused outrage — now Bern has threatened to hold a referendum on withdrawal from the Schengen agreement. According to the Swiss MP luzi Strain, possession of weapons — is the reality of the lives of the citizens of his country that you can’t just cancel.

The European Union it would be better to simply call eurobase or eurotube. The market, because under discussions at the expense of the Association and the common goals of a single Civilization, there often was carried out trivial bargaining, the purpose of which was to more of buns, paying for them less any restrictions and money. As the first major common challenges faced by all of Europe, immediately showed that there is no common Civilization there.

The story of the “increased gun control” is a good example. The Swiss, where the population level of gun ownership is one of the highest in the world, the level of crime in applying it one of the lowest, and no terrorist attacks also did not happen, should disarm just because the French, who to arms is a completely different approach, very afraid that it will fall into the wrong hands… will it Be easier for the French or the Germans that the Swiss will hand over the guns? I highly doubt it. Will this safer life Swiss themselves? The more doubt.

Is it any wonder the reaction of the Swiss? If it is necessary to preserve the common Schengen area, the well it in a bath of the Schengen! Do not be surprised that similar to they say, and if Europe will try to put them before a choice: or your traditions, or membership in the EU.

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