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Baby powder with talc dangerous for the baby’s life

Детские присыпки с тальком опасны для жизни малыша Doctors told why not to use baby powder with talc.

Parents of young children should abandon the use of baby powders with talcum powder. Experts stress that they are a danger to children’s health.

A huge number of young mothers immediately after birth, go to the store for baby powder with talc, considering it an excellent hygiene product. The maternal instinct really makes to buy only the best products for your baby, but talc is not such, let them and use a lot of generations of mothers.

Let’s start with the fact that many baby powders contain talcum powder with toxic elements. One study showed that kids using these powders inhale a much greater level of talc than the one that is safe for health. And it threatens them all sorts of lung infections.

Many researchers came to the conclusion that the application of powders from talcum powder to the genital areas of girls, can lead to the development of ovarian cancer in adulthood. The link between talcum powder and ovarian tumors confirmed during at least 25 different studies.

A good choice would be cooking baby powder with your hands. Today in many stores you can buy the extract of the Maranta plant, which is a form of starch from food. This extract is perfect for sensitive baby skin. It is best to use it together with corn starch.

In turn he and cornstarch separately are ideal to replace the baby powder with talc. It can be used directly on baby skin, as it helps to dry it without any risk of infections.

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