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As the United States of the Syrian terrorists armed

Как Соединённые Штаты сирийских террористов вооружали

“Nobody in the world believes in this mission and its success,” wrote former “green beret” about secret and covert training and arming of Syrian rebels, they know just what we teach the next generation of jihadists, so they sabotage it, saying “fuck it all! Who is it you want?”

“I don’t want to answer for the fact that the guys from “Nusra” will say that they trained the Americans,” he adds.

In a detailed report, called “From the beginning of covert operations in Syria, sabotage, special operations Forces, U.S. policy, the White house took a catastrophic scale”, John Murphy, himself a former green beret (us special forces) recalls how a former CIA officer told him that “the secret of the Syrian program is the brainchild of [CIA Director John] Brennan… Brennan was the one who breathed life into the Syrian task force… Brennan loved all this shit with the change of regimes.”

In fact, Murphy tells the story of how the forces of the United States under a decree of the President arming the Syrian troops fighting against ISIS,* while the CIA, hell-bent on overthrowing President Bashar al-Assad, and acting by separate order of the President, conducts separate and parallel program for arming fighting against Assad militants.

The Murphy report makes clear that the CIA (though, all has changed after the beheading of American journalist Jasma Foley in August 2014) neglects the fight against ISIL, “Because the CIA wanted nothing to do with anti-iglovskiy operations, since it focused on the overthrow of the Assad regime, the Agency kicked this task 5-mu OU SPN in the OSH of the U.S. armed forces in the middle East theater. However, being based in Turkey and Jordan, the group acts according to the order of “military activities” and not a favorite of the CIA on a covert operations under section 50 (“War and national defense”) of the laws of the United States.

“The untold story”, writes Murphy, is a story of abuse and bureaucratic wrangling which has only contributed to perpetuating the Syrian conflict.

But really important not opaque and not fight “abuse and waste”, which occupies the major part of the voluminous report Murphy; and even contradictory and obviously disastrous nature of the goals pursued by the United States. On the contrary, the report tells us quite frankly why the attempted cease-fire failed (although this is not discussed in the analysis explicitly), and it helps to explain why part of the us administration (Secretary of defense Ashton Carter and CIA Director Brennan) was avoided subordination to the will of President Obama as expressed in a diplomatic agreement (on the recent ceasefire) made with the Russian Federation.

This story is much worse than what suggested by the title of Murphy: it emphasizes today’s mess, which represent relations between the US and Russia, and the failure of the cease-fire.

“The FSA [the so-called “moderate” Free Syrian army] established as a viable power partner for the CIA for the sake of appearances, because the FSA were against the regime, obviously having the same purpose as the seventh floor at Langley” [floor occupied by the headquarters of the CIA Director and his staff] — i.e. the ousting of President Assad.

However, in practice, directly said Murphy, “to distinguish SSA from al-Nusra* impossible, because it’s actually one and the same organization. In 2003, the commanders of the Free Syrian army have defected with all their troops to join al-Nusra. There they still retain the nickname “PAS”, but the only show, in order to create an impression about your non-religious in nature, in order to maintain access to obtaining weapons supplied by the CIA and Saudi intelligence agencies. The reality is that PAS is nothing more than a cover for affiliated with al-Qaeda, al-Nusra…

“The fact that the Syrian Free army are simply transfers of weapons of the American production al-Nusra is also not surprising, given that the CIA conducts a review of the militia carelessly, just tracking their past legacy databases. These data about the past are based on the real names of the people in the first place, and assume that they were men of military age when the data were collected CTC [counterterrorism center] a few years before that.”

Sympathy for al-Qaeda

Business checking has not improved, according to Murphy, and with the arrival of the 5th special group operating from Turkey: “[the Procedure is] in the verification databases and interview. The rebels know how to apply themselves to the Americans during these conversations, but still from time to time make a mistake. “I don’t understand why not people don’t like al-Nusra — said one of the rebels American soldiers. Many sympathized with such terrorist groups as al-Nusra and ISIL.”

Others simply were not fit to be soldiers. “They don’t want to be fighters. They are all cowards. That’s what a moderate rebel” — said “green beret” Murphy, adding:

“The containers with weapons and a convoy of trucks delivered to Turkey sponsored by the Americans rebel groups just stand and collect dust because of the strife over the priority of the order [that is, presidential directives] and sources of funding, and sanctions training for the armed forces that is given, then respond, — on a whim. Today, they say to train tomorrow tell you to stop training, and the next day to train only commanders. Some of the “green berets” I think that all these fluctuations are due to the fact that the White house realize that the majority of the members of armed groups linked to al-Nusra and other extremist groups.”

Murphy writes:

“While continuing this fuss, the morale of the forces in Turkey falls. Often they are dressed in Turkish military uniform; one of the green beret describes his work: “Sitting in the secret base, drinking tea and watch as the Turks are training future terrorists”…

“Of the rebels, who were trained by U.S. special Forces and special Forces of Turkey, “a good 95% or worked with terrorist organizations or are sympathetic”, the words “green beret” associated with this program, adding also that “the vast majority of them admitted that they have no problems with ISIS, and that their problem — the Kurds and the Syrian regime.”

Lost in the text here is the stunning conclusion in one sentence:

“After the defeat of ISIS will begin a real war. Supported by the CIA elements of the Free Syrian army has openly become part of al-Nusra, while the elements of SSA that are supported by US special Forces, such as the New Syrian army will fight on the side of the Assad regime.

Then the militants, supported by the CIA, and the fighters supported by U.S. special Forces, will kill each other.”

Perhaps that says it all: the United States has created a “monster”, which is impossible to control, even if they wanted (and Ashton Carter and John Brennan is not interested in his “control” — they still want to use it).

US goals in Syria

Professor Michael Brenner, last week attending a joint meeting of senior representatives of the security services and US intelligence in Texas, summarized their obvious purpose, in particular:

— letting in Syria;

to depose him;

— to isolate and weaken Iran by splitting the “Shiite Crescent”;

— to promote some of the Sunni organizations in Anbar and Eastern Syria. How can we prevent its takeover of al-Qaeda? Answer: Hope that the Turks will be able to “tame” al-Nusra;

— to gradually wear down and crush ISIS. Success in this area could reverse the failures of all others in the eyes of public opinion in the United States.

Jack Murphy succinctly explains why this “monster” cannot be controlled:

“In December 2014, al-Nusra has used anti-tank missiles of American production to beat out another CIA puppet supported anti-Assad group called the Syrian revolutionary front from multiple bases in Idlib province. Now this province is de facto Caliphate of al-Nusra.

That al-Nusra seized anti-tank missiles have now is not the current Syrian revolutionary front, it is not surprising, but the fact that the same anti-tank weapons supplied to the FSA ended up in the hands of al-Nusra, is even less surprising when you understand the internal dynamics of the Syrian conflict, i.e. a war between different factions of the American power structures, with the result that “many [American military instructors] are actively sabotaging these programmes, procrastinate and do nothing, knowing that the supposedly non-religious rebels, learning of which they are expected are actually the terrorists of al-Nusra.”

How is it possible to separate “moderates” from al-Nusra in accordance with the requirements of the cease-fire (February and September 2016)? All the text Murphy shows that “moderate” and al-Nusra it is impossible to meaningfully distinguish between, not to mention the fact to separate from each other because it is “virtually one and the same organization.”

The Russian right: the CIA and the U.S. defense Department had no intention to respect the agreement because they could not. Russians are right in the fact that the US never intended to defeat al-Nusra — as demanded 2268 a Resolution of the UN security Council (2016).

So how did the US run into this mess when the “right hand not knowing what the left is doing” — when the President approved the agreement with the Russian Federation, while in parallel, his Minister of defense refuses to obey him? Well, one interesting snippet from Murphy speaks of “oscillations” in thinking about the educational programs of the militants, resulting from the fact that the White house began to realize that most of these militants “associated with al-Nusra and other extremist groups.”

Suspicion Of Obama

All of this created the impression as if the White house somehow was only a “weak suspicion” about the emergence in Syria, “jihadist monster” — despite the fact that it was a common truth for most military instructors working in Syria. Is it really so? Is Obama really believed that there is “moderate”, which can be separated? Or someone convinced to agree with it, to give “time out” CIA on the rearmament of groups of “rebel forces” (according to Jane’s Information Group, the CIA ferried to the rebels of 3 thousand tons of arms and ammunition during the period of validity of the agreement on cease-fire in February 2016).

In support of the hypothesis that Obama was probably not aware of this reality, they say Joci Drizen and Sean Naylor (lead author of Foreign Policy on the issues of counter-terrorism and intelligence services), who noted (in may 2015) that Obama himself made a critical attack on the CIA and other intelligence agencies in his interview at the end of 2014 when he said that the community collectively “underestimated”, as the chaos in Syria could accelerate the strengthening of ISIS.

In the same article, Naylor describes the power of the CIA, which is rooted in an influential network of Ivy League East coast championship this Agency in the machinery of the intelligence services, his direct access to the Oval office and almost unlimited support in Congress. Naylor shows the privileged position of the CIA in the ruling circles, quoting Hank Crumpton, who made a long career in the CIA before becoming the coordinator for counterterrorism at the state Department.

Crampton stated Foreign Policy that when the “former Director tenet in 1998 declared war on al-Qaeda, “it was not the defense Minister, it was not the FBI Director or someone else in the intelligence community who have taken on such a leadership role.”

Maybe it’s just speaking the prophetic words of Obama — the case when “the CIA usually gets what he wants”.

Perhaps it got it: Putin demonized (smeared by Association, and trump); the Sunni al-Qaeda, “the monster” — is now too powerful to be easily defeated, but too weak to achieve complete success and is designed to a heavy stone hanging on the neck of Russia and Iran – and to hell with them, with the Europeans, whose back will break subsequent waves of refugees. Poor Syria.

About the author:

Alastair Crooke, a former British winner, held high positions in intelligence of great Britain and the diplomacy of the European Union.

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