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An effective vaccine for Alzheimer’s disease

Создана эффективная вакцина от болезни АльцгеймераDoctors have made a breakthrough in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease.

And that’s been reports of a breakthrough in this matter. Every year the world record to seven and a half million cases of this disease, the consequence of which may be dementia (Dementia). Previously was developed a few methods of treatment, but none of them allowed to recover from the disease.

In the new research, conducted by Australian and American experts, were allocated to certain proteins that affect the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Their effect is most noticeable in the elderly.

Based on the results of the experiments created a new vaccine that you need to supply people with early-stage disease. After the introduction of drugs into the body, the immune system of the person begins to actively produce antibodies that destroy harmful proteins.

If the vaccine will not give the desired effect, for the help she developed anti-Tau. When working “in tandem” these drugs significantly increase the probability of healing. While created medications are on laboratory tests. The test on the human body they will be held in the near future.

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