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Alcoholism destroys the Russian economy

Алкоголизм разрушает экономику России

The human brain makes decisions and is of the opinion, rather, on the basis of sensations and perceptions, and the facts often remain in the background. For example: Russia’s economy — less than South Korea, the defense budget — lower than Saudi Arabia, but poverty is higher than in Indonesia. According to the United Nations, the Russian education is on the same level as on the Pacific island of Palau. Almost every study of the economy and influence of Russia is in the bottom half of the list. But me as a physician is the health status of the population of Russia.

Russian society is deeply rooted alcohol. Moreover, its sale has always supported because it brings the money in the budget, and with the king today. Russia still belongs to the leaders in the consumption of alcohol, which has a huge impact on society and its health.

Alarming statistics: today in Russia more than five million alcoholics, more than 70% of children under the age of 13 drink alcohol at least twice per month. According to the world health organization (WHO), in Russia more than 30% of all deaths are alcohol-related, whether it be poisoning, dementia, liver disease and digestive tract, car accidents and suicide. As a result, the Russians, especially men, are 89 place in life expectancy in different countries. Czech men live on average 11 years longer than Russian.

Less than men in General, and more drunks — so the loss of reproductive power, which leads to stagnation in population growth. Fewer working people means a loss of revenue to the state Treasury and the subsequent collapse of the economy and infrastructure — both public and social. All of this explains why former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev called alcoholism “the biggest Russian problem”.

In Russia, spreads the addiction. According to the UN, Russia is a world leader in intravenous use of relaxing drugs. The statement of the head of the Federal service for control over drug trafficking Victor Ivanov that “there are no chemicals effective in the treatment of drug addiction” betrays a tragic inability and the reluctance of official bodies to deal with this problem.

This, and the fact that the Russians more than anyone else, prone to conspiracy theories (one of them is that HIV is a myth propagated by the West to undermine Russia) has terrible consequences: today Russia is the world leader in terms of the spread of HIV and such diseases associated with it, such as hepatitis (mainly the most dangerous type). Corruption, which increases the cost of treatment (although medicines today are produced in Russia), leads to the fact that only 30 percent of all HIV-positive Russians get adequate treatment. So a deadly disease spreading further.

Moreover, due to the current economic crisis reduced expenditure, including on health care. Today in Russia fine that ambulatory patients pay for not only medicines, but also x-ray, who a year ago was free. According to the international analytical organization, the RAND health is not only underfunded, but there are no clear strategies that would adequately evaluated and solved the current problems.

The health status of the population of any country is connected with its social and economic future. For Russia, this is not the best news. And for us, too.

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