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A gluten-free diet: what products have to give

Безглютеновая диета: от каких продуктов придется отказатьсяGluten-free power supply system includes a lot of nuances that are important to everyone.

Basically, a gluten-free diet is for people suffering from congenital intolerance to protein of plant origin, which is called gluten. The system itself of this power means that all cereal products, containing vegetable protein, should be strictly prohibited. The thing is that if people will eat gluten foods and thus his system does not tolerate such, then there will be an allergic reaction, which can lead to anaphylactic shock and even death, as well as inflammation of the small intestine, resulting in atrophy of its walls and any food will not be absorbed in the digestive tract, writes the Chronicle.Info with reference to the Correspondent.

As noted above, on a gluten-free diet have to completely eliminate from the diet all cereals, including products composed of cereals, namely, bakery, macaroni and confectionery products, salami and sausages, barley, oatmeal, barley, semolina and wheat cereals, breadcrumbs, sauces and so on.

Strange as it may sound, but in pharmaceuticals can contain gluten, so buying certain medicines you should carefully study their composition.

The list of food additives you will find on the packaging of many food products, but buying them is strictly forbidden: Е636, Е160b, Е965, Е953, Е150а–Е150d, E471.

“Hidden” gluten: where to find it?

The worst thing is that people may simply not be aware that the product that he is about to eat contains gluten. Some unscrupulous manufacturers simply do not specify it as part of the manufactured product. So you have to get round: semi-finished products and canned goods, mayonnaise and tomato paste, ice cream and fruit yoghurts, food from fast foods, margarine and some varieties of cheese, the cost of which is too low.

In the most common alcoholic beverages such as beer, vodka and whiskey, also can contain gluten, so carefully study the composition, not to have health problems.

A gluten-free diet does not mean that there is nothing to eat

You can afford meat, eggs, fish, natural dairy products, all vegetables, fruits and berries, as well as buckwheat and rice porridge, corn, beans, peas and other foods from the legume family.

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