I suggest you to read the story of one blogger, where he gives a few reasons to love America.
Living in America for 12 years. Went not “for the sausage” and not “for freedom”,but mainly because the father-in-law from his first marriage and the second child in the same apartment as it is not very combined, and prospects to buy their homes were not. Current Russia I will not swear, I go there almost every year, and not only in Moscow, see what life was almost like in the West – the appearance of towns, shops, roads. Friends in most normally earn, buy a new car, go on holiday abroad and so on. And in America not all in chocolate, something the shit, and if in chocolate, it is not always the highest grade. But overall I loved America from day one, never can’t go back (well, maybe retired) and try to explain why.
Ecology and nature
For me it in the first place. My eldest daughter suffered from asthma since the age of two to 15, prior to departure. Don’t leave the house without the inhaler, several times was in the hospital. At the cottage she was better, but not all year round to live in the country. In new York it went, barely got off the plane. Now taking an inhaler only when going to Moscow. It would seem that new York, concrete jungle, but that’s the difference. I just now looked for statistics on the environmental situation here and there, comparable figures are not found (bad looking, probably), except for one. Figure P10 (whatever that means) in Moscow average of 33, in new York, 20-21, i.e. one and a half times better, the maximum value in new York was 150,and in Moscow in the summer of 2010 – 500-600. And Moscow is not the most dirty city in Russia, in some Magnitogorsk or Nizhny Tagil all the worse. I, when I come to Moscow, with owicki just feel the stench of gasoline. Every other day used, no longer feel.Gardens, parks, forest preserves everywhere, even in the center of large cities, and no amount of money can’t be touched. To mayor Bloomberg cut a piece of Central Park and built himself a cottage – even in a nightmare not dream. Rabbits running around at my work right under the window, about the squirrels, needless to say. Went for a walk in nearby forest for 3 kilometres from the house for half an hour met three deer, two possums, a raccoon, and skunk. The skunk walked away, just in case.Recreation area on the lake, an ordinary beach full of people, and then there are cranes, right there in the grass chipmunks running around , begging for watermelon seeds. Why – because people behave like people, animals do not touch, do not cut trees, do not litter, kebabs grilled on special grill. The penalty for stuck in the tree the axe is $ 400 and never an easy ride, you will need to love nature.Dogs complete dog shit but no, the owners are immediately collected in bags, the bags are hanging in special boxes on poles, if someone is not picked up. Stray dogs do not exist as a class, they are immediately caught and taken to shelters. In shelters the sick and the old are euthanized, the rest are trying to attach. Now it is fashionable – not to buy purebred dogs, and taking dogs from the shelter. Which didn’t take, those, probably, too sleepy, but don’t make any noise about it, don’t tease crazy dough-jivotnogo. There are homes and entire apartment complexes pets free, which doesn’t allow animals, don’t like dog barking – pay a little more and live. Now I bet someone is going to make a joke about nigger free. Answer: it is, in expensive public systems clean and white, black if you do, they are educated and intelligent, like Obama.
Yes, the prices are sky-high and the organization of medicine is bad. Yes, lots of fat people, he himself is guilty of. Yeah, no wise Dr. Dolittle, treatment like a conveyor belt, the doctor operates strictly according to instructions and the patient pays for three minutes. But then treat and cure. I will not cite the figures of smertnosti and life expectancy, know them all, I will give examples. My father all life was suffering from duodenal ulcers. Here it is, cure pills. Month drank and forgot where the colon is. All for free, as a pensioner. My kidney stones – the same story. Know at least five people who have had cancer. Treated them the latest and expensive drugs, live, work and enjoy life. Money for the operation of the world did not collect, the apartment did not sell. Owes the hospital a large amount – well, okay, so we live with debts, pay a little. To do with them nothing, except that the credit history is spoiled, the more credit will not give, but it can survive.What I’m afraid once again to call an ambulance, while not dead, is also not true. I have a daughter (other, younger) have been in ER. It is unfortunate roller coaster ride, it will drop some crap on his leg. Ekstremalka. Insurance it does not, because it does not work a full time job, and like freelancing. Comes from the hospital account for 5000, she writes: pity, uncle, I can’t afford that, here’s my income statement. Comes the answer: okay, if you’re so poor-poor, pay a hundred dollars and walk. Once the entire amount is forgiven.
Tolerance and political correctness
In Russia, it is somehow misunderstood. Tolerance is not when all are obliged to love blacks and gays and I’m afraid to say the word across. I didn’t love, never love, no one cares. Tolerance is when the state and society no matter what they should not be the case. At home you can fuck at least a six-foot Negro, though 80-year old woman, even your own fist, this one, sorry, no fucking clue, besides the Negro. Can at least pray to the Buddha, even Allah, even though Jesus, at least the flying spaghetti monster, it is again nobody’s business. But if you try to force another to live as he likes, and the way you like – here a tolerant America will unfold and tolerance will kick you in the face.Yes, if there is a Christian set fire to a mosque, he goes to jail. But if a Muslim set fire to a Church or a synagogue, he goes with the same speed. No people first and second grade, all are equal before the law. Such that in the Central street of Chicago some Arabs hitting on passing girls, and the police watched and did not react, or in a state school has introduced lessons Protestant culture with a compulsory exam, or in the whole state girls were afraid to walk bareheaded, in the Russian Republic of Chechnya, in a tolerant America does not happen, and I like it.Another important point – equal rights to employment. Federal law prohibits discrimination on six grounds: race, nationality, religion, gender, age and disability. Sexual orientation, as you can see in the list, in 34 of the 50 States a person can not take the job not because he does not know something or is not able, but because he is sticking his dick in the wrong hole, that’s not healthy for the country as a whole, but personally I’m not concerned. I deal with two items out of six: nationality and age. I am 52 years, I have ineradicable accent, my name sounds to the American ear as Auxilian for Russian, that is, they even can’t really say – do you think I would be likely to find without having the work of the programmer in Moscow? Even the interview to get? And then neither age nor name, nor the accent no one cares, I’m not a radio announcer settled, willing and able to work – work.Do not think that political correctness obliges you to employ a certain number of blacks and the disabled, even if they know nothing about. Mandatory representation by a pair of every creature exists only in Hollywood movies. Well, back in the USSR Supreme Soviet it was of so many workers, so many peasants, so many representatives of indigenous peoples, so many women and young people. In real America take those who can work. Never seen a Negro programmer, here to support them as much as you want, they do it – infinite patience and repetition of the same instructions.Plenty of women in the highest positions, but they work equally with men. Equal rights imply equal requirements. The chief is not afraid to take a girl to work, because he’s not afraid that she will leave in the decree, and then will endlessly sit at the hospital with the child. Maternity leave does not exist, with planning meetings in the hospital, two months back to work, or you can quit and stay with the child if my husband will allow. The majority of permits, see section 6. Sick days among men and women equally, even though you are sitting with the baby, though his head working on a hangover, five days a year for everything. What allegedly under threat of dismissal cannot be made a woman a compliment or hold the door, the same bullshit. It is impossible to publicly grab my ass, you cannot dismiss the Secretary for refusing to do Blowjob boss – and it’s true that you can’t.
Notorious again the fake smile. In my opinion, it can only annoy someone who hasn’t got sick of Russian impudence. Walk with a child. Goes to meet Russian Granny: “well you not wearing a hat, he will catch a cold”. Or, depending on the season, “his head will bake”. American grandma goes: “Oh, he is so cute!”. How pretty it is. How do you think that it is more pleasant to hear? Even if the child is not very pretty and he’s really cold.My daughter studied in Moscow in the 18th the French special school, and on his arrival went to the worst public school in new York. So it turned out. About it in the papers the other day, and was disbanded after a few years, desperate to fix something. 3/4 of the students are black bars on doors and Windows, at the entrance of each is searched by the police, not to smuggle arms and drugs, and still every day some emergency. We then as the month came, nothing did not yet understand, otherwise I would have them there gave. A year later, when mastered, I say, let’s transfer you to a better school. I say no, we like it here, here and all the teachers love. That is the worst school in new York, they felt more comfortable than in one of the best schools of Moscow.So what can be said about more or less decent American schools in decent areas. Kids love to go there, can’t wait for the school year. And I don’t care if they learn smaller formulas than with the Russian drills. That too not the fact, in Junior high it’s just tomfoolery and starts normal in high school. For good students, there are advanced classes who want to learn, he learns.More about the service say. Here the seller, waiter or any service provider sees a task to the client to strip more, but the client liked and he came again. So my friend flew to San Diego. The plane was delayed, arrived in povtornogo nights, car rental office, in which he ordered the car, closed. Others, too closed, one works. He asks the car. He said: $ 100 (notional figure). He: and here in this offered at 50, but it is closed. What would you do in any Russian office? People in a desperate situation, to sleep in the airport it will not. Would say: I do not want 100, take it for 300. And then she went through the papers and says: 50 can’t, but here we have a special offer, if you take a car a class above, will be 75, and even GPS ladies for free. How not to love America?
Respect for their country and its history
I was amazed during the tour at Virginny. Is the Lincoln memorial and across the road is the monument to General Lee. Mortal enemies seem to have been, but both belong in American history, and both are worthy of remembrance and respect. We now can also be found a monument to Kolchak on Lenin Avenue, but still people who respect both Lenin and Kolchak, you will not find.The same applies to all American presidents. In the history of America were unsuccessful presidents, same Hoover, which began the Great depression, or Johnson, who started the war in Vietnam, or Bush, which is just stupid. But none of them Americans called him a bloody tyrant, nor a traitor, nor any other epithet which, in Russia get almost any former ruler. However, their presidents and the boys played the fool so, as our. None of them blew half the country, and no one destroyed a million of their own citizens. For 4 years and control of Congress with such cases and will not bloat, but democracy is a separate issue, which we will not touch, and then far go.
Decent pay for work of
I started with this – that in Moscow, working as the programmer is no worse company, couldn’t afford to buy an apartment. Remove neither could I, when cash two children and a third on the way, needed a minimum of three. This, however, was the year 2001, the situation has changed now, but still continually hear about the salaries in 8-10-15 thousand. How they can live? In America the minimum wage of 7.25 per hour. This is approximately 1160 dollars a month, or 35 thousand rubles. Minimum, repeat. That is, the person, 8 hours a day wiping tables in makdachnoy, can afford a one-bedroom apartment in half with a girl or boyfriend, a used car of a class “Corolla” and once a year trip to Florida. Food, clothing, phone and other stuff implied. The one who though something is able to do with your hands or head, earns 3 times more and can, without fear to buy a house, get married and have children.Do those who earn less than the minimum? Yes, there are. Illegals. Students who work part-week. Alcoholics, drug addicts and creative people who can’t be bothered to work 8 hours a day. I have no sympathy.
Compliance with laws and regulations
YAP I read here and in different forums. Some people have problems that they resent the most? Scum, spurs. Cattle, overtaking on the sidelines. Brutes, their tachily parked across the street and on lawns. The cattle-traffic cops extorting money. Animals red marine corps air station, adhering to the girls and then raping them. Cattle-neighbors with hammers. Cattle with multirename without leashes. Hamashia bastards behind the counter. And most of all angry that these animals have no justice. The most popular on Jape are stories in which the hero was cool enough to give these bastards deserved.Now I try to imagine what I would do if any of these situations saw in America. Call the police (in the case of a neighbor – in the management of the house, in case a seller – in the management of the store). All. In reality even call wouldn’t have because I already called ten times.In Russia, in order to respect themselves, need to be a hero. If you’re not a hero, then a coward. Here life does not require heroism. Enough to pay taxes (which contain professional heroes) and to abide by the rules. That’s what I like the most.