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A cyst of the pancreas: causes and symptoms

Киста поджелудочной железы: причины и симптомыDoctors told about the possible symptoms of development of cyst in the pancreas.

A cyst of the pancreas is a small education that is similar to the capsule. The cyst fluid accumulates, due to which it increases in size. Distinguish only two types of cysts produced in the pancreas or outside but in close proximity to that body. They are so called true and false.

If we consider the causes of cysts in the pancreas, it is necessary to separate them according to what type of cyst it is.

The main cause of true cyst is the pathological development of the pancreas, called congenital.

Cause about cysts – migrated inflammatory diseases of the pancreas, e.g., pancreatitis.

The characteristic symptomsby which you can recognize a cyst of the pancreas, then to address to the doctor already with a certain suspicion:

1. A strong, aching pain at the top of the abdomen, which did not stop for a long time. Also, if the cyst of the pancreas may hurt in the region of the hypochondrium on both sides. Initially, the patient may note that he had a stomach ache in the navel and easily to confuse this symptom with ordinary indigestion. But when the effect of the pain prepaired on the back, there is no place for jokes. At the advanced stage of development of the cyst in the pancreas pain spread throughout the body and is difficult to determine exactly where the center of pain.

2. Increase in cysts diameter might reach such dimensions that it will be easy to determine by palpation. In this case one may find themselves the tumor, then immediately call a physician.

3. The skin turn yellow only when the false cyst of the pancreas, and jaundice is a complication of this disease.

Remember, in any case not to self-medicate when it comes to serious diseases that require medical supervision or surgery. The longer you delay going to the hospital, the worse for your health. In some situations, early diagnosis is very important, otherwise the treatment will be long, and may not give the desired result could be, if people asked for help immediately after the onset of symptoms.

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