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A barrier of misunderstanding

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Igor Yakovenko: What do senior Sergeant Mikhailov, Medvedev and members of the Olympic team

update: 14-08-2016 (20:04)

! Spelling and style of the author saved

The episode first. Sergeant Mikhailov 11.08.2016, protecting a public order on Komsomolskaya square of Moscow district of Kazan station, I noticed a blatant violation. A citizen was walking in one of the squares of the Russian capital and was on the phone non-Russian language. Sergeant Mikhailov, of course, became suspicious and began to check a citizen’s documents, and when I saw a Russian passport, I immediately realized: that’s the enemy. Either a spy or a saboteur. Well, who else? At the station Sergeant Mikhailov became a spy to interrogate in hot pursuit: what is this gibberish talking about? And most importantly, why, when there is Russian language, which is spoken by normal people. If they are, of course, have nothing to hide.

When Sergeant Mikhailov began to find out at the spy, where his parents, wife and children, he suddenly came up against the horn, left in the dead of cheating, and began to bear some nonsense about the enemy 51 article some of the Constitution about any right of any person. This Sergeant Mikhailov, of course, could not resist and loaded the spy in the drum. It was later revealed that the drum, as well as the rest of mauled during the interrogation of the body, belonged to the Director of the Department of interaction with regions of Kudrin, Vyacheslav Popov, who was talking with his German friend.

Episode two. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev during a meeting of the Eurasian economic Union, which unites Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia, began to explain why they all the time, this Alliance of the great powers renamed: it will be called the Eurasian economic Union, now the Eurasian economic community. Then I allow myself to be distracted for a second and explain the reason of press interest in this title. The fact that I personally know journalists who are writing this latest acronym to remember I can not, where there is a capital letter, and lowercase where. And so, either write the name completely, or copy and paste the text.

And finally, Dmitry Medvedev has explained, where did that catchy name, “EurAsEC”. “Renamed to EEU not to be confused with the EU”, – explained Dmitry Medvedev. He added: “But we are not EU we are stronger and stronger!”. Now everything fell into place. Was their main problem – confused Kyrgyzstan with Germany, Belarus, France, Armenia with Sweden and a fifth of the world economy – with two of her percent. Now, that’s all. No more problems. A strong EurAsEC would never be confused with the pathetic EU.

Episode the third. The Rio Olympics. The cyclist Daria Shmeleva, won the silver medal: “This medal is in spite of my enemies, and for us to enjoy!”. Synchronised swimmer Alexandra Patskevich complains in an interview with RBC: “of Course, the attitude to the Russian athletes here are horrible. Such a nightmare I am in my career never seen. Russian athletes jeered in Rio, pointedly refusing to congratulate. On the pedestal are ignoring our children, not fit to shake their hand.” And then follows a story about what you’re doing in Rio with Russian flags. “Imagine, they just throw on the floor!”, food athlete.

Sergeant Mikhailov little resemblance to Prime Minister Medvedev. And Prime Minister Medvedev is quite different from Shmeleva cyclists, and swimmers Patskevich, and from any member of the Russian team. But all these people have in common is that can be called “design souls” and the ability, or rather, a complete inability to understand. The process of understanding requires a number of special skills from understanding, that is, from the subject of understanding. Including the ability to allocate space in his soul a site for a foreign, alien to the soul of the content. This ability to understand the Other – it is possible to develop appropriate exercising “muscles of the soul”, and it is possible that the ability to kill, and then these special “muscles of the soul will atrophy and wither away.

Elimination in Russia, journalism, public policy and competitive environment of business has turned the country into a territory without the communicative space, deprived of social dialogue. The nation had stopped talking to him. The result is a special personality type-capsule, impervious to external influence.

Sergeant Mikhailov is simply not able to understand that there are people who speak other languages, and they can’t forbid it to do.

Prime Minister Medvedev constantly is nonsense and is not able to look at ourselves. It is completely devoid of reflection and not see yourself through the eyes of others. But perhaps the Prime Minister Medvedev do not believe that other people are separate from him, from Prime Minister Medvedev and interests. In the theory of stadial development of intelligence of the Swiss psychologist Jean piaget, this stage corresponds to the level of a two year old child.

Russian athletes all without exception know, that in Russia there is the state system of doping. Can not know. Even those who have not personally attended, immersed in the environment of permanent fees of the qualifying competition and simply human communication. Know. And while building around soul armored capsule misapprehension that Russia is a rogue country. You cannot build your victory on deception.

And Yes, it is wrong to steal someone else’s territory and then be surprised that your flag thrown on the floor.

For 17 years, the Putin regime has formed a type of human personality, in principle, incapable of understanding. They just don’t have. To say there is nothing. What to drink-there is also available. To read-may be considered. But to understand – nothing. So I live in bewilderment and resentment at the whole world, who do not understand why we have taken up arms.

Igor Yakovenko

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