Home / World / Obama called trump a traitor to American values

Obama called trump a traitor to American values

Обама назвал Трампа предателем американских ценностейIn the US, a major figure of the week was the presidential candidate Donald trump.

The US President is dissatisfied with the statements of the Republican candidate.

Part of the proposals, which sets out a contender for the US presidency from the Republican party, Donald trump, is a betrayal of American values, says President Barack Obama.

Speaking to a graduation rate of Rutgers University (new Jersey), the current American leader criticized some statements of a billionaire.

Trump, in particular, the “disparaging comments about Muslims,” said Obama.

According to the head of the US administration, such statements of the businessman constitutes “a betrayal of our values, of who we are”.

In addition, the proposal to close trump Muslims from abroad entering the United States “would lead to the alienation of the most important (religious) communities within the country and abroad in the fight against extremism”, says the head of state.

By continuing to criticize the Republicans, including the denial of global climate change due to human activity, he stressed that “ignorance is not a virtue”.

“The rejection of facts is a path to decline,” he said.

We will remind that the presidential candidate of the Republican party, Donald trump in a Fox News interview said that he intends to create a Commission to study immigration law and its initiatives to limit access of Muslims in the United States.

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