Home / Medicine / 6 ways to ease the pain of the sciatic nerve

6 ways to ease the pain of the sciatic nerve

6 способов облегчить боль седалищного нерваThe sciatic nerve bothers people quite rarely.

Natural ways to relieve back pain.

Sciatica is one of the most common problems nowadays, which affects many people. The pain caused by this condition is felt along the sciatic nerve, that is, from the lower back, affecting the buttocks and down the leg or even both.

In most cases this is caused by a herniated disc. Fortunately, there are several ways to ease this unbearable pain.

Acupuncture or other traditional Chinese treatment methods

Many people have experienced great relief after using these methods. In the process of acupuncture uses small needles that are inserted into the skin at certain points of the body, and thus release endorphins, which relieve pain.

Hot and cold therapy.

Therapy hot and cold compresses soothes the pain, heat relaxes the muscles, and ice reduces inflammation.

Lumbar spine extension and decompressional therapy of the spine.

Many doctors have confirmed that the method of use of tools for stretching of the lumbar vertebrae, which help the intervertebral discs to take the place calms pain.

Exercises “McKenzie”.

These exercises are recommended by chiropractors, they will help to ease the pain and to centralize it in the lower back.

The help of chiropractors.

Chiropractors or physiotherapists can be of great help as they can recommend the best ways to treat this problem, such as exercise, mobilization of joints or soft tissue therapy.


You should consult a physician before you decide to resort to pain control medication. These drugs can help you cope with the unbearable pain and reduce inflammation.

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