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25 years down: the days of pride or the days of repentance?


19th, it seemed that all was over. 21st – has started something incredibly beautiful. And it was a pass: we have reached the highest point and went down. Slowly at first. Then faster. Now almost flying…

Imagine that in 91-m to year. In a nightmare could not see what would happen. And, actually, why not? After all, we had 250 million. Why was not a single prophet who told us about the monstrous cultural, moral and human degradation that awaits us? Why not one of the sage?

In fact, as can be seen, looking back from today, things were quite obvious. And – not theoretically, but just had all the germs there. It was clear, WOULD have to be clear which people with some personal characteristics, get wealth of the country. It should be clear what will happen with the morality in stopping the economy. And this stop also WOULD have to be clear – otherwise, when the logic of life demands to privatize and hide, and not to bury the money in investments. And the culture and certainly it should be clear: where will the funding? Who will pay for IT?

Anything we didn’t understand. No. Not one person in 250 million is not understood. Klikushestvovat – Yes, I clickwrestle. Go into euphoria – Yes, you want, comes. Understand? Not a single person. Therefore, carrying us somewhere against our will. It turned out – the wrong way. And very quickly we passed this way: the refusal to consider the Day of Russia on August 21 to ban on all to remember this day outside of designated reservations. From the refusal of the court over Yeltsin for his glorious past of the party and to the cult of personality chebelkova assistant of Sobchak.

Why mention it today? To sprinkle ashes on his head? Yes, to sprinkle ashes on his head. But not just sprinkle, but at least something to learn. And the first thing we need to learn is to distinguish between high and low, to distinguish high from low people. And not what not to forgive meanness – there is nothing to forgive, so someone like rose. But it clearly to see and not to consider it a normal thing, that is meaningless.

In ‘ 91 we agreed that to boss us will be low. Well, let’s high intelligence was not among us at all. In any case, if you assume that such was, and they were silent, and we were not looking for them. But among us were people of conscience and people with flexible conscience. And we know who is who. But turn a blind eye, thought it unimportant. How easily we forgave the debts! Forgetting that the movement to the right begins with the left foot. But us already sang the whole song. Twenty years before, sang…

Have we learned something in 25 years? In General – absolutely NOTHING. And if we happen to gain power today, everything will repeat to trifles. Again we will listen to mongers with cute faces again eye-to-eye on vagrants, speaking to us right, “our” words, again we believe in the theory of homespun woven with clever words and having nothing in common with reality, will again conjure themselves “well, it is necessary for someone to trust”, “well, people change,” “well, we have to try, what if this time” and other procured us the idiocy. Again we will eschew public works, because, on the one hand, their real and pressing business on the other hand, “politics are dirty” and “what can I do?”, and the “hopelessness of it all”…

In General, everything will be repeated again. Again.

So I am against the requirement to give us the power. Before. Very early. We are not ready to accept it. And weak hands, and most importantly – the brain. Of course, we are not worse than those who power grab. We may be better. Yes, there “may”? Definitely better. But as human beings the power to dispose of we can’t. And our flight down to stop can not. It today do nothing to stop it.

And with these three days? They could be days of pride. But it did not. It was not enough to discourage putsch. It was necessary to build a new life. We about it and then had no idea what she should be. And today the concepts are no more.

So these days we need to do in days of pride and days of repentance. Days of intense attempts to understand WHAT happened then and WHAT should happen now.

Only now – are we ready for such mental stress?

That’s the whole point…

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