Home / Business / 20-year-old daughter of Murat Nasyrov told about his life after the death of his father

20-year-old daughter of Murat Nasyrov told about his life after the death of his father

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19 January 2007, the executor of hits “the Boy wants to Tambov”, “I’m you”, “Caught on the lip”, and many others, 38-year-old Murat Nasyrov has committed suicide — the artist threw herself off the balcony of his apartment. In the next room at the time was his children Leah and the Mayor. 10 years after the tragedy, the heir of Murat gave a Frank interview with Peopletalk, in which he spoke about his father’s death and my life without him.



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On the death Nasyrov, there were many rumors: some say that the actor took his own life because of alcohol and drugs, others that the singer was a prolonged depression. Leah your opinion on this matter.
“It was an outside interference. He was a very successful man with great potential. If he were alive, he would have an incredible career, because personally I’m more talented than the people on stage don’t know. And I say this not because he is my father,” said the girl.


When Murata did not, his daughter was 10 years old that day, she remembers exactly to the minute. At the time of the tragedy of the spouse of the singer Natalia Boyko was not at home, the apartment was Leah, her younger brother and grandmother.

“My dad was going somewhere at night — he had some speech, but this time I got anxious and realized that everything goes wrong. At nine-thirty I leave the room and say, “I’m in the bathroom, and then go to sleep.” Specially walk by dad’s room slowly and see how he puts on a costume, then come back to yourself, I hear that started some panic and know that something happened,” says the heiress of the artist.


Nasyrov after the death of his wife began teaching voice lessons, working with backing singers of the group “A’studio” and other artists. Thanks to my mother’s support, Leah was able to cope with grief.

Now nazarovoi 20 years. The girl is studying at the faculty of international economy at the Plekhanov University. Leah I’m not sure I associate their lives with the economy, but to get a higher education considers a must-have item. It is impossible not to notice the likeness with nazarovoi with her famous father, but she inherited from him not only facial features, but also the love of music.

“He wrote songs, he wrote poems and was able to choose the right words the sound you want. I think that I passed on. I hope I’m not mistaken”, — said the daughter of the artist.


By the way, Leah has all the makings to build a successful music career since childhood, she does vocals, plays piano, and is learning bass and acoustic guitar. The girl admitted that they just can’t live without music. In her playlist, there are songs of his father, mainly those which few people know. Nasyrov wants to work on unreleased songs of Murat and hoped that friends of the singer will do it.


15-year-old brother to Leah, the Mayor is also promising — a young man entered the Gnessin school, plays saxophone, writes his own songs and arrangements.

Leah admitted that she is attracted to young people, similar in character to the Pope. “He should be attentive, indulgent and be able to listen. With him I have to be in absolute security. But I’m sure that will feel their rights”, — said Nasyrov. However, the family of the girl does not reflect yet — says that is still too young for such a responsibility.


Friends often persuade Leah to take part in the show “the Voice”, but Asaka is afraid to perform on the big stage and can not yet take this step. Close we hope that soon she will overcome his fear and reach not less popularity than her famous dad.


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