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You support the initiative of Sergey Mironov and CP on the resignation of Dmitry Medvedev?

“Fair Russia” started to collect 10 million signatures under the ultimatum of resignation of the Prime Minister.

Вы поддерживаете инициативу Сергея Миронова и СР по отставке Дмитрия Медведева?

The party “Fair Russia” has set an ultimatum for the resignation of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. Today, February 10, began collecting 10 million signatures in support of this requirement. The party will make an open address to the Prime Minister. The solution of just Russia was dictated by the refusal of the government to satisfy the requirement of citizens about the cancellation of requisitions for major repairs and total inability of the Cabinet to cope with the economic crisis.

– We are not satisfied with the chronic helplessness of the government and its inaction in conditions when the situation of millions of citizens is deteriorating daily, said party leader Sergei Mironov.

February 10, “Fair Russia” spends a press-conference and press conference in the regions, which will be announced the main slogan, addressed to the head of the government Dmitry Medvedev: “Do it or leave it”. In mid-January, Mironov said that if the government in the coming days will not offer effective anti-crisis measures, the Cabinet will be declared a vote of no confidence.

Вы поддерживаете инициативу Сергея Миронова и СР по отставке Дмитрия Медведева?

Sergey Mironov.

In November 2015 spravorossy handed over to Dmitry Medvedev a million signatures of Russians to cancel requisitions for major repairs.

– Officials have no right to demand money from people whose homes have not seen repairs for 40 years and will not see the same amount. The reply that we received from your Minister, is not a solution. It is disrespectful to each of the million citizens, who has come to see you, says a new appeal to the government.

Also among the mandatory requirements of the “Fair Russia” included the abolition of the vehicle tax and the reform of the tax system – the introduction of a progressive scale of taxes. Not just a just Russia made a proposal on reform of the tax system to reduce skew in the distribution of income.

The initiative of the party consisted in the introduction of a tax of 50% for those whose income exceeds 200 million rubles a year, 35% – for holders of the income from 100 to 200 million rubles per year, 25% for citizens with income from 24 to 100 million rubles per year. For those whose income is less than 24 million rubles, it was proposed to maintain the current income tax of 13%. This measure would give the budget an additional 1.5 trillion rubles, but the Ministers refused to burden the richest part of society the growth of taxes.

The Deputy of the faction “Fair Russia” Oleg Pakholkov convinced that the government, robbing the population of additional fees and double taxes, with a completely failed economic policy. Spravoross explained that it primarily is about focusing the entire economy on oil and gas. Pakholkov recalled that, according to Medvedev, the proceeds of hydrocarbons reached 70% of government revenue, then declined to 45%.

– Based on this statement, we have oil extract 3 million citizens. So, 3 million citizens were fed the remaining 140 million people in the country, because they earned only the remaining 30% of the budget? That is, our economy is driven into the position that 2% work and the remaining 98% is in fact dependents, – the Deputy declared.

Oleg Pakholkov call it an absolute failure and stressed that such a failure has occurred in every sector of the Russian economy. Rescue the Deputy sees in the change of the head of government who is not afraid to take the path of reform and take real measures of optimization of the economy.

To put his signature under the requirement of resignation of the government Dmitry Medvedv here

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You support the initiative of Sergey Mironov and CP on the resignation of Dmitry Medvedev?


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