Home / Economy / Yeltsin’s economy to stabilize impossible. If it is not to kill, it will kill us

Yeltsin’s economy to stabilize impossible. If it is not to kill, it will kill us

Ельцинскую экономику стабилизировать нельзя. Если с ней не покончить, она прикончит нас

The complexity of the economic policy of the Russian government is that this government has a close and uninterrupted continuity with the power of the 90-ies in Yeltsin’s Russia.

The government does not want the collapse of the state, i.e. the collapse itself. She tries to stabilize the unstable, prone to collapse the legacy of the 90’s. But the tragedy is that THIS system is impossible to stabilize…

After the coup of the 90-ies is not only anti-Soviet but also anti-civilizational character.

Under the guise of “elite” was formed growing colonies of organisms-parasites, social worms, which claim to control of the donor, but do not know anything except how to drain and bring to the grave. Formed the social fabric, which feeds on the decay energies and in the event of any suspension of the breakup begins to experience a severe famine.

The inextricable link between societal breakdown and power of the colony of parasites makes the system unreformable, not subject to stabilization. In addition, the parasitic “elite” suffers from a psychopathic complex of self-sufficiency, that is, unable to learn, change, despises arguments and believes that money is easy to replace mind.

Because the title of “clever man” and “expert” can just as easily buy if you have money, like the Minister, MP of any level or the head of the company of any magnitude. In these circumstances, the Supreme authority, led by instinct, trying to stabilize the regime: to stop the decline of production, standard of living, to place the responsibility on those sinecures, that have turned both state and private-commercial management positions… the Government is trying to fight corruption, forgetting that everyone owes corruption.

After all, if not corruption, not bribery and abuse of power, not abuse of power – that Yeltsin’s Russia simply would not exist. Many years in the Russian economy followed by attempts to stabilize the system, which, in principle, not amenable to stabilization. The power rushing from the inability to stabilize the system to the need to stabilize (to survive) and back.

A quarter of a century of anti-Soviet power proved to be antibrane” does not mean “white”. If tsarist Russia was a stage of civilization – the following below, but above the previous, the post-Soviet regime – anti-civilizational, anti-systemic parasite. The main flaw of liberal economic thought is a pathological misunderstanding of the inseparable causal link between the ACTIVITY and the PRODUCT.

In order to obtain the product – you need to start doing it. With the understanding that just will not work, and in any case the first samples are not too good. However, other ways to the PRODUCT MAKING no. The result of action cannot be separated from the action, this is the essence of cause-effect chains.

For example, to obtain machine – you need to start making the machine. It will be clumsy, uncompetitive samples. But it must be overcome by work, persistence and perseverance – as student persistence in the classroom to cover the distance to the professors and doctors of Sciences. The argument about what doctors of Sciences and professors are already there, but because there is nothing for them to chase – by their very nature, degenerative. Stavshego on the exam student are punished one way or another, but it is not the fact that he has taken away the textbooks!

Every Professor was once a student inept, and every student-incompetent must strive to the heights of knowledge, the essence of civilization. It is this essence of herself encroached liberal economic theory. Let’s say she is not going to make cars – we have them ready to give. Who? West. For beautiful eyes? No, for our raw material — We give them raw – they give us the car! Great! No, not cool.

The end result is that they know how to make cars, and we are not. And if so, to conquer us – a piece of cake. What war with people who can’t make cars? The shooting of baboons from a helicopter, and nothing more… Will anyone argue that to get raw materials for free – more profitable, more profitable than to give him your product work? Machine – the product of labor, why would they give it to us, when our raw materials are free?

Never in the history of the West didn’t pay for something you can get for free, and even more, we will make exceptions. Just to be – you need to be able to defend its existence. Do not understand the liberals, enemies of the army and at the same time the enemies of the productive economy, and for which the soldiers include “too expensive” and AVTOVAZ to save – “too irrational”. In fact, in the face of the liberals we deal with the traitors, hoping to sell forever his betrayal as a market product.

They came out in the 80-ies of XX century on the world market with betrayal as commodities and hitherto only they sell. But the betrayal you can not sell any long time, because it runs out betrayed the subject. Similarly, the alcoholic or addict cannot indefinitely make things from the parent apartment – because the number of things is not infinite.

Conclusion: it is impossible to stabilize the Yeltsinism and you better not even try.

Need a decisive Doellnsee – condemning Yeltsin and all his antics, with the revision of educational programmes and agenda of the broadcast media, with the remolding of man, the reorientation is broken by looters of the economy on the reunification of the relations of a single national economic complex. Or the government will understand it, making a decisive step to transformation and disengagement from the degenerates of Yeltsinism – or this would be done without this power.

But there is a risk that if you incorrectly change a failed power external predators can devour the country, and she will not have time to transform.

Options for the future of Russia may be different. Options for the future of Yeltsinism, the main features of which are rampant anti-Sovietism, desocialization, the criminalization of all spheres of life and privatization (rastaschilovka thieves) of former state-owned enterprises no. In any case, the subsequent decomposition of the extinction, necrosis, oblivion…

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