Home / Economy / Why won United Russia? Because its economic model to suit everyone

Why won United Russia? Because its economic model to suit everyone

Почему победила Единая Россия? Потому что ее экономическая модель устраивает всех

The victory of United Russia in the elections, there is one fundamental reason which is much stronger and administrative resources, and all other factors combined. United Russia is the party of the current economic model.

The current economic model is export raw materials and weapons and to import the proceeds currency of various goods and their distribution across the country.

This model suits most of today.

Most of all it suits the elite, which in this model gets the maximum values, applying the minimum of effort. She will be hosting the elite for any positive price of oil, because the elite will always find a way to get more than the people and thus will remain elite. And in the other model the commodity of the elite will cease to be such.

This model suits the officials, because they too are involved in the current system of distribution of wealth, control budgets and to lose this opportunity don’t want to.

And most importantly, that this system suits most of the people, because the majority one way or another engaged in the same distribution system.

But it’s not just that the current model suits the majority, but also in what was another clear and any popular models just yet.

The Soviet model was in the past, and everyone, including the Communists, realize that in its present form it will not return.

The program of the Communist party is the restoration of separate elements of the Soviet apparatus without a complete abandonment of the current model. Talk about a complete failure (to the ground, and then in the Communist party are just afraid. And rightly so, because people do not understand them. I do not know in the Communist party, that should be “then” in case “to the ground”. Probably don’t want to give up what I have at the moment.

The liberal democratic party is generally “the same eggs, only in profile”. Same as United Russia, is meant. Zhirinovsky, give them power, will preserve the current economic model, only replacing the person in the leadership.


It is very simple choice.

There is United Russia, which formed the current economic model – with a lot of flaws, but serving and satisfying many. And the LDPR, which supports the same model, why change ER the LDPR – the essence of the flea. And the Communist party, whose model is some hybrid of the existing and the Soviet. But if it makes hybrid something is unclear. More or less clear example is China. But in China it is Chinese, it has its own specifics, and will work whether a similar model in Russia and what will happen to those who do not fit into it – the big question.

And lots of dwarf parties which for all the criticism of the authorities is also from the current model will not give up, and whether to change it for the better or make it worse – is unclear.

That is, either saving the current model is not very good, but it is clear and habitual, and most importantly – current. Either abandon the current model and a step into the unknown, where anything can happen, and experience tells that some time will be much worse, and then – fuck knows.

Therefore, the majority chooses to save clear and familiar model, the preservation of the existing system of distribution of wealth.

And please note that the majority today is not in production, but in distribution system – in trade, transport, services. The service sector is also part of the distribution system, because it works on imported equipment, imported materials, imported technology.

The majority simply chooses the preservation of the system in which it operates. Because it is their jobs, the usual job, a stable salary.

And if you choose the preservation of the existing economic model and system distribution, for whom to vote, if not for those at whom this system was formed?

If others won’t change it, and to select them makes no sense. And if they change, then rather spoil than improve. Because the author of this system, United Russia, and who can manage the system better writer?

That’s the whole secret of the victory of United Russia.


About 40% of Russians confidently vote to maintain the current economic model and system of distribution – that is, for United Russia.

Approximately 40% want to save the whole model with some cosmetic changes. Who these changes are commit – opinions differ, and people vote for the liberal democratic party, the CP, or one of the political dwarfs like Parnassus.

And about 20% believe that the Communist party could implement a hybrid of the Soviet system and model of operating now. Although someone believes that the Communist party returned to the Soviet Union “as it was”, although it is, of course, a utopia.

But the main thing – the absolute majority continues to support the existing economic model. Not even because she’s so good (although for some very good), but because it is valid, understandable and already familiar.

This was the situation when the majority somehow votes for the preservation of clear and familiar economy and distribution system – will continue as long as the system operates.

This means that while the existing system will not break the paralysis, until the system will face severe shortage of everything – until either the government in General nor United Russia will not be replaced.

But the paralysis of the system and severe shortages are inevitable. Because the raw model already can not meet all needs at the same level, the system consumes the reserves and fixed assets, which will not last long. And after their exhaustion will happen a major crisis with a hard deficit.

This is inevitable because the system has taught the society to the fact that consumption must grow, and to meet the growing needs of the commodity economy can never.

So after a while the current economic model… will simply cease to be in effect. Will no longer work. And then the majority will not support its preservation. So there is no support and its authors.

And the public will choose between the proposals of new models that will appear very quickly on the basis of a simple principle that demand creates supply.

And today demand for new economic models simply do not. Because the majority continues to cling to the existing and still current model.

And the winner, United Russia – the party that embodied the Russian economic model and system of distribution of wealth, which at the moment suits the majority.

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