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Why the laws of capitalism we do not act?

I remember when we heard this statement “If I found the person who wrote about the socialist economy, as Marx wrote about capitalism, he would put a monument of gold” From this phrase I came to the conclusion that the socialist economy was not its laws and therefore socialism to capitalism has lost.

Then we come to the great capitalist revolution, us capitalism came and we fit into the world economic system.

And all the laws of the market economy we have become.


But why then all the good in our country is not valid.

In the US Bank rate was 0,025% (it is now 0.05%) and they complained that they are unable to achieve 2% inflation.

We have a rate of 11%, inflation 12%. The decline in oil prices in the US and Europe causes a decrease in the price of gasoline and goods produced from petroleum.

We have the price of gasoline, the fall in oil prices by half, not only not reduced, but even manages to grow .

In the United States and Europe spend their Christmas sales, where the prices really reduced. Announcements about a price reduction only a gimmick and nothing more.


What is the reason that the laws of capitalism we do not act?

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