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Why Soros deploys in Ukraine anti-advertising of the European Union?

Зачем Сорос разворачивает на Украине антирекламу Евросоюза?


Rather unexpected and somewhat shocking material came out in structures funded by George Soros, the Ukrainian edition of “Apostrophe”. One of the most famous spies, traitors and the pseudo-bestselling author Viktor Suvorov (Rezun) “Vinnichenko” poured a bucket of mud on the European Union! What could it be and why publishing had to destroy the main dream of many Ukrainians?
Around the end of 2013, the EU has evolved in the Ukrainian information space in a real sacred cow. Criticism of European integration is almost equivalent to the proverbial “separatism”. Moreover, the rationale for this was “concrete”. Because the formal independence in 2013, going because of the reluctance of Viktor Yanukovych to sign suicidal for the Ukrainian economy “evroassotsiatsiyu”, and, consequently, the so-called “Heavenly hundred” died for the same reason. “European future” has become the last hope of sinking into the quagmire of despair of the Ukrainian population of North-West. His thoughts are approximately as follows:

“He raised the rates and prices collapsed, exports had soared, the dollar sitting on the bottom of the economic gap in GDP and industrial production? Nothing! Here “evrointegriruyutsya” and alive!”

Even Mikheil Saakashvili, with his predictions of a return to the standard of living “a La Yanukovych” after 20 years, and comparisons of Ukraine with Gabon amid the sweet promises of imminent European integration, the Ukrainians tried seriously not to perceive. Well, who knows what folly will come to a head this Georgian? Europe is close!

And then – shock. Promote more than two years “European future” edition of “Apostrophe” based funded by George Soros “International centre for policy studies”, published a sensational interview with intelligence officer, defector and writer Victor Suvorov, tearing to shreds the patterns of thinking imposed by the Ukrainian public for the past years…

Viktor Suvorov (real name Vladimir Rezun), the writer, a former employee of GRU of the USSR. Being successful and ambitious posing as a fanatical Communist, Rezun, although not the best personal data could get the service in the Main intelligence Directorate and was promoted to captain. However, in 1978, he fled from Geneva, where he served under the legendary employee of the Permanent mission of the USSR to the European office of the United Nations, in the UK.

All the details of the betrayal Rezun to this day is not known, however, according to the most common version, the British began to persuade him to cooperate, blackmailing incriminating material (there is an assumption that evidence of homosexuality is a captain with a British agent) and then announced that he had opened and should be immediately taken to Moscow, with the result that Rezun and asked for political asylum in the West. After fleeing Rezun took the pseudonym “Viktor Suvorov” and with the involvement of the British “helpers” started to write pseudo-historical books on the Second world war and the activities of the Soviet secret police.

World famous Rezun was due to run in his name historical of fake that the USSR was allegedly preparing an attack on the Third Reich, and Hitler only have anticipated events. The circulation of some books Rezun has made more than a million copies. They have become an effective weapon in the information war against the Soviet Union and Russia. Today Rezun switched to criticism of the Russian Federation, predicted “the fall of the regime” in Moscow on the 23rd of July 2015…

Thus, in his interview with Rezun-Suvorov criticized the European Union is a pejorative criticism.

“In Brussels planted commissioners, which no one chose (…). It’s a monstrous bureaucracy. Sit totally irresponsible people who spend huge funds and punched the strange laws. Take Greece. This country was famous for its olive groves that have grown for thousands of years. Olive oil has been Greece’s number one priority. Number two was shipbuilding. Comes Europe and dictates its own terms: for the cutting down of olive groves we pay so much money. And people cut down trees. And in order to reduce competition, the Europeans banned the Greek shipbuilding. And Greece is now bankrupt.

Requests for money from Europe, and the Europeans hate the Greeks for what they beg. That’s what did the bureaucrats in Brussels.”
Obviously, it would seem, things. But in Ukraine, saying that only those who were branded as “Putin’s agents”, “vatnikov” and “Colorado”. However, the “expert” does not calm down even at this. He strongly supports the recently rebelled Ukrainian politicians “Brakcet” and goes on to how badly is the new EU members.

“I have many friends in Bulgaria. Ten years ago Bulgaria joined the European Union. There is now a nation is experiencing a severe disappointment. Came wealthy guys from Western countries. They bought on the cheap all the companies, and then they closed, so there was no competition. And these plants are. Ukraine should strive to Europe to have free movement of capital and people. So that people could go to Rome or Paris. However, under the yoke of the Brussels bureaucracy is not necessary to climb”…
Wow! TV channel “inter” much less burned. And “Apostrophe” – nothing!

Summing up told, Rezun said that the EU has no future, Ukraine strive is not necessary, and the concentration of international success is the United States of America. Ukraine – “a great country” without any of the EU may be no worse than France, Germany and the UK.

Theoretically Yes, but in practice something goes wrong. Exposing the generally sound criticism of the EU, Rezun did leave out a lot. In particular, about why “successful” in his opinion the US is so eager to “unite” with the European Union into a single free trade area, and create a common bureaucracy, but only acting under American rules. Not one of the most famous traitors of our time and that all the world markets have long been divided. And the destiny of those who do not have friends-altruists (like Russia – in the case of Ukraine) – like the poorest countries of Africa, to trade for pennies only raw materials…

However, the fact that such fierce criticism of the EU from the person whose whole life is under the control of Western intelligence agencies, more than remarkable. Rezun is not a random guest.

And Soros “Apostrophe” is not a casual publication. Even a cursory monitoring of the Ukrainian media shows that a number of Ukrainian regional Newspapers and publications, “the second plan” purposefully reprint on “Apostrophe” anti-Russian news. And this suggests that “Apostrophe” is, apparently, included in the so-called “temniki” Ministry of information policy of Ukraine, “recommended” journalists to use as source of information the government and security services. So the random fact on its pages, should not wait. And “anti-European stuffing” from Vladimir Rezun is part of a strategy defined at the highest level.

On the backdrop of the spread of rezunovsky “message”, curious signals began to arrive from “domestic” sources.

So, someone close to the administration Poroshenko told the newspaper “Vesti” that the Ukrainian authorities after the statements of Angela Merkel in support of the Minsk process “change vector” and “drift” towards States that are considered the backbone of the United States in Europe – Britain and the Baltic States.

And the polyphonic choir of the Ukrainian experts, though not as tough as Rezun, but subjected the EU is criticized for his “price is more important than values”, and he tended to roll a “crusade” against Russia. Washington in Kiev began to praise with renewed vigor.

Since 2014, between the EU and the Kiev regime was “love under duress”. And, under duress from the United States. The relationship of Europeans with the post-Maidan government has already survived several crises, but the Americans were convinced the Ukrainians in the prospect of an “EU carrot”. Now, judging by the message Rezun, something snapped.

And there can only be two. The first option. Washington abandoned the idea of forcibly imposing the Europeans Kiev. Against the background of negotiations on the transatlantic partnership relations between the White house and the EU have significantly cooled down.

In Berlin, Paris or Brussels may say a hard “NO” to attempts to further their involvement in the Ukrainian adventure, and the U.S. government could stop insisting not to aggravate and without that not ideal situation. And that the people of Ukraine from the shocking frustration of not clave the wood, they need to gradually prepare to the disappearance of the European perspective. It is best to use flattery in order to somehow mitigate the pain of unmet expectations. The idea, after all, more or less sane citizens of Ukraine understand that they do not build anything, but this American propaganda is still better than nothing…

A variant of the second. In Europe something happened, why Washington stopped to consider European countries as reliable allies, and the EU has become for the United States a full-fledged opponent or competitor. Therefore, the “evrointegrirovanie” Ukraine loses its meaning, and Kiev with his army and “dobrobatami” turns into a chain dog, with which Europe can, if anything, to scare.

The transition to the “eventality” Ukraine is unlikely to be rapid. Too many forces Western fighters information front spent to turn Europe into a genuine fetish for residents of Kiev and Lviv. But the process is already running. Whether he is brought to a logical end and will be justified if this time the folk wisdom that “from love to hate one step” – time will tell. In any case, how quickly transformered policy of some Ukrainian media, in itself is quite entertaining…

Svyatoslav Knyazev

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