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Why Putin’s model has no future

Почему путинская модель не имеет будущего


The enthusiasm for “rising from our knees” is based on ignorance of fundamentals of science.

Man, poorly versed in construction, can be very happy with my new house, gleaming fresh paint. But if the builders he has met unscrupulous, ready to cash in on his ignorance, then after a while will begin at the resident of the problem and the house will require major repairs or even reconstruction.

This is the construction of a new Russian state, the successor of the USSR.

The designers did everything right. The Constitution and the basic laws laid the Foundation for building an effective modern state at the level of world standards.

But, with the advent of Putin, the project was shelved. On the Foundation of the new state began to build another.

What exactly in the device of the present Russian state does not comply with “construction norms and rules”?

1. Stated in the Constitution the principle of separation of powers is not implemented. In order for the authority not violated the law, it is necessary to its division into three branches: Executive, legislative and judicial. If all these parts were United under the same leadership, then this guide is not automatically subordinated to the law. The Supreme law is the will of the ruler.

For Russians, this situation is familiar. Differently in Russia never was. It is perceived as the norm. Previously it was called “autocracy”.

However, this makes the country dependent on personal qualities of the leader. If the head of the sensible – the country can progress. But, even with the sensible head of all his errors there is no one to correct you. And if stupid…

But those countries where the law is above the will of any leader, do not depend on his personal qualities. It is a necessary condition for sustainable development. Without ports, but no catastrophic fall. Let me remind you that this is only possible provided that the power is divided into three independent branches. Which each other are controlling and prevent the violation of law by another branch of government.

Immediately there is such an important factor as protection of investors ‘ rights. If the will of the official is above the law, the guarantee of the protection of the rights of business owners could be the only protection official. Those who do not have ties, will not invest in the economy. They run the risk of losing investments. This makes the country uncompetitive in the struggle for investments.

2. Freedom of speech. Often you see on TV that criticized Putin? And for the last 15 years there have been many other cases? So what – he’s never wrong?

Silence on the issue leads to its preservation. Problems accumulate. If the head cannot be questioned – so expect accidents.

There can be no effective state without a competition of ideas.

We of expression has become a criminal offence. What kind of competition if the disagreement with the official position can be qualified as extremism.

In order to justify the failures and mistakes of politicians, the official propaganda distorts the picture of reality. Do people with unhealthy psyche. To not feel frustration about the circumstances of his life, I told myself that the circumstances are quite different. Exist in a fictional reality. And then the whole country exists in reality, designed in the presidential administration. You know, what consequences it will lead.

An enumeration of the shortcomings of “sovereign democracy” with the “vertical of power” is long. But the above are fundamental.

The building, built on the foundations of the Russian Constitution, will soon discover their serious shortcomings. Sooner or later even non-specialists will be clear that it is uninhabitable and requires reconstruction.

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