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Why nationalists from the Basque Country do not require independence from Spain

Почему националисты из Страны басков не требуют независимости от Испании

Szprosy show that the winner in the elections to the Parliament of the Basque autonomy, which take place on Sunday, September 25, will be the Basque nationalist party (BNP). This party, founded in 1895, at the time put its main objective the achievement of the state independence of the region. But as it stands, the election program of similar purpose is not even mentioned.

Theme of secession from Spain not pedaliruetsya and in the program of the main opponents of the BNP nationalists from the radical left coalition “Build” (“Unity”). Thus, for a number of reasons, the Basque Country, always regarded as one of the main sources of separatism in Europe, yielded the palm in this part of another Spanish region — Catalonia.

Basque metamorphosis

The Basques, of which only 2.1 million, had earned the reputation of separatists “are mostly the fault of extremist groups THAT,” he said in an interview with DW Basque scientist Manu Aramburu. According to him, fighters of THIS century — from 1961 to 2011, terrorized the region have committed murder, kidnapped people, extorted money.

THIS was associated with separatism, and therefore, according to Aramburu, “most residents of the province the rejection of violence coming from groups, turned out in the end, and rejection of independence”. So, adds the analyst, the ideas of Basque sovereignty are shared by only a small percentage of the population.

Similar sentiments can not ignore the BNP, I am sure Aramburu. In his opinion, it seems that the task of independence the party no longer considers a priority, and talks only about the need to expand the right of autonomy. In addition, BNP is almost no economic claims with the Central authorities. Basque country, unlike other Spanish regions, from the middle ages traditionally enjoy the benefits — the so-called “fueros” (Carta), that is, a special tax regime.

The Catalan onslaught

Such a benefit that brings Basques add nearly 2 billion euros a year, is the object of desire of Catalan nationalists, DW explained another expert, Professor of political science at the Complutense University of Madrid Fernand Garcia. Representing the region with the highest standard of living in Spain, Catalan nationalists, however, argue that Spain is their “robs” and the only way to do away with “robbery” — the Declaration of independence.

In the Wake of economic crisis that began in 2008 and is still ongoing, “nationalists reinforce their position: they have the support of about half the population of Catalonia”, says the expert. He drew a parallel between Basque and Catalan nationalists.

So, “if the BNP in power in the Basque Country almost all of the last three decades, have always fought against radicals, armed and unarmed supporters of independence, in Catalonia radical nationalists found themselves at the helm”. Now, for example, they control the Parliament and submitted to the regional government. This government promises to achieve independence from Spain in 2017, which has created structures for a future independent state,” such as embassies and private tax authorities.

The attitude of the Catalan and Basque nationalists to Spain

Catalan nationalists, on the testimony of Professor Garcia, are active propaganda, convincing the population of the region in his “genetic superiority” over the rest of the Spaniards. They at eradicating Spanish symbols — the wiring on the demonstrations, portraits of the head of state of king Felipe VI and Spanish flags. The nationalists banned the bullfight, as the alleged tradition of the Spanish, not Catalan, close schools teaching in Spanish. The local authority fines the trade enterprises having signs in Spanish.

Meanwhile in the Basque Country are respected, both local and Spanish traditions, indicates Aramburu. Even the meeting of Parliament of an autonomy conducted in two languages — Basque and Spanish, and the current pre-election TV debates, politicians were generally conducted only in Spanish. “The Basque language never imposed in administrative, medical, commercial and any other institutions of people served in two languages,” says the analyst.

The law on guarding state unity

Spanish legislation does not provide for secession from the state of some regions and prohibits the holding of any referendum on the matter, the Professor reminded Garcia. Therefore, for organizing such a survey, held on 9 November 2014, on trial are former head of Catalonia, Artur Mas, and three top officials of his administration.

They face a large fine and a ban to hold positions in the state administration at any level. Criminal proceedings were instituted against the speaker of the Catalan Parliament, the Karma Forcadell for the decision to withdraw the region from Spain in the coming year. The speaker can be sentenced to prison, says Garcia.

Well, the BNP, according to Aramburu, operates within the framework of the Spanish legislation, in an effort to support the center for harmonious relations. And the center reciprocates. For example, it is already clear that the BNP, though, and will win the election, but does not receive a majority of votes needed to form a single party government.

And here, as has happened repeatedly, she will come to the rescue deputies from the Basque branch of Spain’s ruling conservative popular party. With their support, the BNP will be able to form a Cabinet and rule the region for the next 4 years, Basque has concluded the analyst.

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